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Teacher: Mr Peter J Faulks


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A Sample Evaluation Rubric


Evaluation Marking Grid

Evaluation Sample (For Holiday Journal)

You can use this guide (rubric) to determine how you and your Group or Team will be evaluated after you have completed various phases of your Holiday Journal. Your goal is to achieve the highest possible score for each of the objectives described in the first column.

Read the requirements for achieving each level of performance and constantly evaluate your progress so your mark will reflect excellence in research, organization, writing, design, and collaboration.
Mark will be either: - ND, S, H or V or as a Percentage of your total score

Curriculum Council


Not Demonstrated

1 (ND)



2 (S)



3 (H)

Very High


4 (V)






Outcomes Expected Level

Resources & Timing

Demonstrates effective and efficient use of the Internet and library resources for locating appropriate sources of information. Provides proper citations and references to sources of information.

Uses very few resources, most of which are unrelated to the goals of the project. Little indication of effective research techniques.

Does not present by due date


Uses only a few sources of information which are used effectively. Reflects a limited amount of effort to find appropriate resources and create an effective and interesting Journal. 

Presented by due date

Several sources of information are used which  relate to the process of creating an effective Journal. References come from a variety of sources. The use of both text and graphics is incorporated appropriately.

Uses many types of resource materials including newspapers, travel diaries, magazines, maps, photos, documents. Excellent choice of materials which provides excellent information appropriate to the task.

Organisation & Planning

Demonstrates an ability to effectively use and organize  many sources of information.


Very little evidence of planning.  Only some evidence of  organization and sequencing of information. Minimal attempt to organize resources for an effective Traveler's Journal.

Demonstrates the use of Internet resources and library resources but lacks appropriate sequencing of information. The organization is confusing and does not provide effective continuity.

Uses many sources of information effectively. Most of the  descriptions and images are well organized and are presented in clear and logical manner.

Very creative use of information in clear and logical steps. A wide variety of sources are used with precision and clarity. Excellent  planning strategies.

Description Grammar

Demonstrates the ability to write clearly, following the rules of Standard American English so to effectively communicate information, ideas, and conclusions. 


The descriptions of places and historical references along the travel route are difficult to understand.  Sentences are incomplete and contain many grammatical and spelling errors. There is no evidence of proofreading. The writing style is well below grade level.

The descriptions of places and historical references lack clarity and include many grammatical and spelling errors. The writing is not well organized and demonstrates limited proofreading skills. The writing is below grade level.

The descriptions of places and historical references are clear and usually well written without many grammatical and spelling errors. The writing demonstrates good paragraph construction .

The descriptions are written in clear, well constructed paragraphs. The information is presented in descriptive language with few if any grammatical and spelling errors. The writing is polished and demonstrates excellent preparation and execution.

Graphics Presentation
Demonstrates the ability to create a well-organized, graphically rich publication which effectively integrates images and text.

Little or no use of graphics, maps, or photos. graphics selection is not relevant to the Journal. Demonstrates few design strategies. 

Some use of graphics and photos but not effectively presented. Graphics and text are not used together on a page. Limited selection of images.

Uses a variety of graphics appropriate for the Journal. Good use of combining text and graphics. Organized and appropriate selection of graphics and photos.

Excellent use of graphics of many types.  Creative and interesting use of text with graphics.  High quality graphics used effectively to illustrate the Journal. Excellent balance between text and graphics.

Group Work
Demonstrates the ability to work cooperatively, sharing information and skills necessary for effective collaborative learning. 

Demonstrates very little cooperation. Group members do not assume responsibilities. Very little effort to work as a team.

The Travel Team demonstrates some cooperation but members do not communicate information efficiently.  One or two members do most of the work. 

Good team effort.  All members of the Travel Team work to select and record information. All members of the team perform tasks.

The entire Travel Team Works as an effective unit to share information. Excellent communication with well organized activities. Everyone on the team is actively involved during the entire process.




Email Peter Faulks