



In these subjects I plan for 40 lessons per term based on 40 minute time frame per lesson, these commence with file creation and document preparation using Microsoft Word or Web Pages using Dreamweaver, then I progress to tutorial lessons and each week allow one lesson for revision, web quests or tests to allow students to either enhance their skills or catch up on missed work. I provide four assignments and plan these for the first three terms, with an additional revision or evaluation project or additional assessment in term 4 if it is or I feel it is required. If we use a handbook or manual this work will be undertaken during the free day.

If I have used different assignments they will appear in a separate box at the end of this page. this also applies to exams and revision exams.

In these classes I use Worksheets and Web Quests as the main source, many worksheets can be used across several ICT lessons so in some instances the students may have already undertaken the work in Cert II IT or Cert II Bus or in ICT classes like AIT

Worksheets explain the elements of the topic with questions and test sections for students to answer

Web Quests cover topics where students must find information on the Internet or in Resource material and answer all questions.



Tasks for Applied Information Technology 3a
AIT Stage 3 Set 1 Notes
Task 1a 11 AIT3a TASK 1 Portable Device  
Task 2a 11 AIT3a TASK 2 Portable Device Design  
Task 3a 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Produce  
Task 4a 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Review  
Task 5a WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point S
  Set 2  
Task 1a AIT3a Task 1 Restaurant Ordering Systems  
Task 2a AIT3a Task 2 Restaurant Ordering Interface  
Task 3a AIT3a Task 3 Produce Restaurant Ordering Interface  
Task 4a AIT3a Task 4 Review Restaurant Ordering Interface  
Task 5a WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point S
Tasks for Applied Information Technology 3b
Task 1b 11 AIT2b TASK 1 Getting Mobile  
Task 2b 11 AIT2b TASK 1b Getting Mobile sample  
Task 3b 11 AIT2b TASK 2 Mobile Design  
Task 4b 11 AIT2b TASK 3 Web Mobile Produce  
Task 5b    
Task 1b AIT3 Task1 Impact of TV on Society  
Task 2b AIT3 Task2 Plan an e-vote device  
Task 3b AIT3 Task3 produce an e-vote device  
Task 4b    


Lessons for Applied Information Technology 3a & 3b
WKS000 Class Files Set Up This takes up 4 lessons and will set students up with a web site Week 1
WKS 100 Cover Page Set Up    
ERG105 Ergonomics Office Design    
MWP 108 Internet Summary    
LES140 Networks Explained WBQ114 Web Quest Networks WBQ114 Web Quest Networks S
About Computers Power Point    
  Internet Safety  
Tests for Applied Information Technology 3a & 3b
S = Solution Sheets
In Class test/homework    
In Class test LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
In Class test ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
In Class test ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
In Class test AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
In Class test ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
In Class test ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
In Class test APS 116 Venice Exercise  
In Class test 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish S
In Class test MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1 MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1S
In Class test AIT Warm Up Quiz  
In Class test 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics Q 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics S
Homework Web Quest Web Quest The Internet 20 Question Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S


Exams for Applied Information Technology 3a & 3b
Exams Solutions for Exams Term 1
AIT 3A 2009 Exam Q

1. A large corporation uses a data warehouse to assist with its strategic decisionmaking process. What is a data warehouse?

AIT 3A 2009 Exam S

AIT 3A 2010 Exam Q

1. Which of the following is a true statement about a database?

AIT 3A 2010 Exam S
AIT 3A 2011 Exam Q
  1. The phrase ‘green computing’ most commonly refers to
AIT 3A 2011 Exam S
AIT3 EXAM FINAL_production_booklet_Stage_3  


Sample Week 1

Week 1

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Notes: Each week there is a lesson or worksheet to complete, there is also a homework sheet for every week of the term, the tasks can be completed during class time and tutorials should be used as an adjunct to your course of study. All student files should be submitted electronically via a web site that I will help you create.

Welcome to the unit expain the course


use the current course guide



What is in a computer

A student made presentation explaining the conents of a computer- needs updating for 2020

From Guide

Social Impact Games-List

  • Advertising and branding
  • Business
  • Political and social
  • Projected and upcoming games in all areas
  • Public Policy etc.

Simulation Game

  • Construction and management simulations
  • Dating simulations
  • Life simulations.
  • Medical simulations.
  • Vehicle simulations
  • Photo simulations etc.

(3A) Examine the impacts on developers of new technologies and the choices that users make in relation to: behaviour and relationships of individuals (see worksheet)


Set Up Class files



Notes we will create a web site for students to submit work

Creating a student based web site

Setting up an AIT Site

AIT Site Template

Work on setting up task


Cover Page

work on worksheet


Will depend on Task 1 requirements could be Photoshop, Excel, Access etc.

A Power Point _ Everything you need to know about computers

about computers

Social Impact of Computer Games

( Student essay sample)






AIT3 Worksheet Electronic Ettiquette

Tests or Exams

worksheet due next week



Homework tests you can give over a week or two weeks AIT 1 = 1 per 2 weeks, AIT 2 & 3 = 1 per Week

S = Solutions


HWT101_Computers Q




Issue Task 1 Create a portable Device

Due in (Week 3)

Look at Task 1 and what needs to be completed

Discuss Task 1

Week 2

Week 2 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
    Test   Solutions
Lessons work on task 1     work on task 1
Worksheets AIT Essay homework failure      
Tests or Exams   WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz Q WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz Q continues WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz S

Homework due

HWT101_Computers S




Week 3

Week 3 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Lessons Complete Task 1      
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT101_Computers_Test S   HWT102_Computer_Software Q


Task 1 Due   Task 2: Portable Travelling Companion Design Proposal





Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer




Key Terms

Textual References

Weblinks, Articles, Journals, PDF’s, Doc’s

Impact of ICT on individuals, communities, and environments

(3A) Examine the impacts on developers of new technologies and the choices that users make in relation to:

  • behaviour and relationships of individuals








  • the physical environment



  • community


  • finance and the economy



  • Virtual Worlds e.g. Second Life, the SIMs
  • role playing games e.g. World of Warcraft
  • industry disposal of old technology
  • climate change
  • sustainable use of paper based products
  • satellite technology e.g. Google earth, GPS
  • online applications i.e. Web2/3
  • online auction e.g. e-bay
  • online banking
  • live feeds from stock exchange
  • online retail


Discovering Computers Chapter 11

Information Technology
Chapter 4

Information and Software Technology Chapter 5

Abuse of social networking sites
List of MMORPG Games
Serious Games
Social Impact Games-List

  • Advertising and branding
  • Business
  • Political and social
  • Projected and upcoming games in all areas
  • Public Policy etc.

Simulation Game

  • Construction and management simulations
  • Dating simulations
  • Life simulations.
  • Medical simulations.
  • Vehicle simulations
  • Photo simulations etc.

On-line Social Interaction-Effects
History of e-Waste  
What Is E-Waste?
What Is in a Computer? 
Teens Go Green with Gizmos


Industry Disposal “byteback” Australia
Green PC
Why Recycle
The Paperless Office
UWA Policy

Google Earth
Theory of GPS
What is Web2?
What is Web3?
Addiction to Ebay?
Creation of an “on-line” shop
Internet Addiction
Online gambling

(3B) discuss the impacts of ICT on industries in the community



  • analyse the impacts of ICT on individuals
  • and communications working within industries


  • improved communications
  • increased productivity
  • efficient production processes
  • improved work habits and communications
  • wider employment location choices e.g. telecommuting


ICT improve productivity
ICT is the new innovation in the New Economy
OECD-Information Economy
Department of Broadband, communications and the Digital Economy


Global Communication
Advantages and Disadvantages for the Teleworker

Values, ethics and inclusivity




(3A) investigate changing societal values and ethics in the use of ICT


  • discuss the implications of identity theft
  • identify the need for inclusivity in the design of ICT products and services




  • discuss digital divide



  • analyse the ethics of employer and employee relationships in regards to the appropriate use of ICT technologies in the workplace:


  • appropriate legislation


  • MySpace, Facebook
  • e.g. monitors for sight impaired, use of icons, subtitles for deaf, equipment for the handicapped
  • availability of ICT resources to both wealthy and poor sectors of the economy
  • appropriate user policies
  • employer’s monitoring of work emails, internet access and computer use
  • security of information and protective measures i.e. Net Alert, cyber stalking, cyber bullying
  • Spam Act
  • Copyright Act
  • Privacy Act




Discovering Computers
Chapter 11



Information Technology
Chapter 4

Information and Software Technology Chapter 5

Social Networking Sites
Social networking stands to benefit businesses
Teach-ICT-Changing values in our workforce
NetAlert-Identity Theft

Computer Accessibility
Stay Smart online
Why inclusivity in web site design?
Bank Upgrade excludes the visually impaired
Disability and ICT news stories
Equal Access and the Web

Information Equity
Digital Divide Vic Govt web site


Business to Employee News Stories
Online Detective – Invasion of your privacy
ClickView—Social and Ethical Issues
IT Security-20 tips
Employee Monitoring-Privacy in the workplace
Bullying No Way!
Preventing Mobile Data Theft
Australian Govt 2003 Spam Act
Australian Copyright Council
What is copyright?
Information Privacy Principles-Privacy Act 1988
AMCOS-APRA Legislation

(3B) discuss the impact of access to global markets on the ability to purchase and use of ICT products:

  • investigate end user expectations in differing cultures



  • analyse ethical issues and legislation in industry
  • worldwide access to products and web sites
  • international news sites
  • online censorship of information
  • interpretation and use of language and images in web sites
  • ethics in ICT in an industry context i.e. code of conduct
  • intellectual property i.e. patents, trade marks, registered designs.


The changing work environment and globalisation
Global Communication
Globalisation Guide
World-on-line newspapers
Internet Censorship (definition)
Internet Censorship

Internet Censorship udate 2018

Fake News Stories
Fake News Sites-CNN case
Web site Translation, Localization, Language and Culture
Ezine Articles
-Internet and businesses on-line

10 Commandment of Computer Ethics
What is Intellectual Property? (Trademarks––registered designs)
Example of Code of Conduct

Past and emerging trends in ICT




(3A) Explore present and emerging ICT trends





  • investigate the convergence of multimedia trends and new developments in technology
  • digital video and sound
  • online services
  • sport
  • music
  • training and education
  • news and advertising
  • digital maps


  • Haptic technology
  • human kinetics
  • robotics

Discovering Computers
Chapter 14

Information and Software Technology Chapter 5

Information Appliances
Emerging Trends
Digital Signatures in a Pharmacy
Future Trends in Business Computing
Google Earth-Street View-Virtual Globe
Pete’s Gadgets
New Technologies-News Stories  Internet Telephony
Haptic technology
Microsoft Unlimited Potential-Global Trends
Microsoft Digital Lifestyle
Future Trends What is Web 2.0
Web 2.0 Awards

(3B) analyse the impact of current and emerging trends

  • global market forces—international communications via video conferencing
  • lifestyle choices—remote access to work sites, flexible work hours
  • industry shop ‘face’—online presentation via web sites, cross web site advertising



Ezine Articles
- Education
- Computers and Technology
- Gaming
- Communications
- video conferencing
Ezine Articles
- Internet and Businesses on-line
Creating an online shop front
Impact of ICT on quality jobs



Back To Top
Homework for ICT for Cert II IT, AIT 1a &1b, AIT 2a & 2b, AIT 3a & 3b, Multimedia
HWT101 = Homework Term 1 Week 1 - HWT304 = Homework Term 3 Week 4
various ICT topics covered most for higher level ICT work (S = Solutions)
Term 1 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2-3 test per term
Week 1 HWT101_Computers Q HWT101_Computers S
Week 2 HWT101_Computers_Test HWT101_Computers_Test S
Week 2 HWT102_Computer_Software Q

HWT102_Computer_Software S

Week 3 HWT102_Computer_Software Test HWT102_Computer_Software Test S
Week 3 HWT103_Digital Media Q

HWT103_Digital Media S

Week 4 HWT104_Networks_Internet Q HWT104_Networks_Internet S
Week 5 HWT105_Computers_In_Education Q HWT105_Computers_In_Education S
Week 6 HWT106_Comunication Q HWT106_Comunication S
Week 7 HWT106_Comunication Test HWT106_Comunication Test S
Week 7 HWT107_LAN_Networks Q HWT107_LAN_Networks S
Week 8 HWT108_Internet Q HWT108_Internet S
Week 8 HWT108_Internet Test HWT108_Internet Test S
Week 9 HWT109_World_Wide_Web Q HWT109_World_Wide_Web S
Week 10 HWT110_Searching_the_Web Q HWT110_Searching_the_Web S
Week 11 HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web Q HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web S
Week 12 HWT112_Netiquette Q HWT112_Netiquette S
Term 2 Homework semester break HWT113 The Digital Home
Week 1 HWT113 The Digital Home S
Week 1 HWT201_Applications Q HWT201_Applications S
Week 2 HWT201_Applications Test HWT201_Applications Test S
Week 2 HWT202_Software Q HWT202_Software S
Week 3 HWT203_Using_Software Q HWT203_Using_Software S
Week 3 HWT203_Using_Software Test
Week 4 HWT204_Word_&_ Excel Q HWT204_Word_&_Excel S
Week 4 HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test S
Week 5 HWT205_Database_Software Q HWT205_Database_Software S
Week 5 HWT205_Database_Software Test HWT205_Database_Software Test S
Week 6 HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia Q HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia S
Week 7 HWT207_Presentation_Graphics Q HWT207_Presentation_Graphics S
Week 8 HWT208_Reference Software Q HWT208_Reference Software S
Week 9 HWT209_Learning Aids Q HWT209_Learning Aids S
Term 3 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
Week 1 HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes Q HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes S
Week 2 HWT302_CPU_and_Memory Q HWT302_CPU_and_Memory S
Week 3 HWT303_Input_Keyboards Q HWT303_Input_Keyboards S
Week 4 HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices Q HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices S
Week 5 HWT305_Output_Devices Q HWT305_Output_Devices S
Week 6 HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers Q HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers S
Week 7 HWT307_Storage_and_Drives Q HWT307_Storage_and_Drives S
Week 8 HWT308_Other Storage Media Q HWT308_Other Storage Media S
Term 3 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
Week 1 HWT401_Digital_Media Q HWT401_Digital_Media S
Week 2 HWT402_Electronic_Books Q HWT402_Electronic_Books S
Week 3 HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW Q HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW S
Week 4 HWT404_Web-Based_Training Q HWT404_Web-Based_Training S
Week 5 HWT405_Computer_Viruses Q HWT405_Computer_Viruses S
Week 6 HWT406_Viruses_Removal Q HWT406_Viruses_Removal S
Week 7 HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Q HWT407_ Copyright_Laws S
Week 7 HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test S

Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer

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Tutorials for Applied Information Technology 3a & 3b
MFX 100 Flash Introduction MFX 101 Create a slide show in Flash MFX 102 Flash Animation Course
MFX 103 Creating Motion Tween in Flash MFX 104 Flash fades MFX 105 Flash Toolbars
MFX 106 Flash Effects Tutorials    
FW110 Using Fireworks FW111 Fireworks animate text FW112 Fireworks modifying text
FW113 Fireworks Flowers1 FW114 Fireworks Stylised Flowers FW114 Fireworks Stylised Flowers2
ADI 100 Illustrator Intro Balloons ADI 101 Illustrator Creating a Scene ADI 102 Illustrator Blends
ADI 105 Illustrator Creating a Cartoon Face ADI 106 Illustrator Advanced Creating a Cartoon Face ADI 108 Illustrator Pen Tool
APS100 Photoshop Intro APS101 Photoshop Selections APS101PhotoshopFiles
APS108 post production instructions PostProduction Images APS108 post production Solution
APS104 Photoshop The Pen Tool APS104PenTools  
APS109 Photoshop Venice Q APS109Images  


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2010 Term Plan Applied Information Technology 3A Term 1
Notes Homework Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Week 1


Files set Up


Task Template

MWP 108 Summarize Internet Searches

Your First Web Site

*Students set up web page see sample student web class sample.

Discovering Computers Homework

Task 1 – Investigate Portable Traveling Companions
Travel companies will need to diversify the types of products and services that they offer to the traveling public if they are to remain competitive in business. In this task you will investigate opportunities for a travel organisation to expand its product range.

11 AIT3a TASK 1 Portable Device

set up Journal, Draft and Start your Searches

Draft Due 9th Feb
Journal Due 15th Feb Task 1 Due 17th Feb

Run through the access tutorial

Access Microsoft Course

Microsoft Access 07 Tutorial

APS 101 Photoshop Selections

Discovering Computers Chapter 1 Solutions

AIT Homework Set Solutions

    Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Week 2


Homework tests you can give over a week or two weeks AIT 1 = 2 weeks, AIT 2 & 3 = 1 Week

S = Solutions


All about Colour

Digita Home HW

WKS 100 Cover Page Set Up

AIT Warm Up Quiz (Good Resource) 3 per week throughout the term

Post Production

MPP111 Power Point Basics Time for in class task work students need to set up power point buttons TOC, and animations

MPP 116 Backgrounds Time for in class task work students need to make their own power point backgrounds ADI 102 Illustrator Blends

Discovering Computers Chapter 2 Solutions

    Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Week 3

AIT HomeW02 Hardware

AIT HomeW02 Hardware S

MPP 117_Hyperlinks Time for in class task work.

Task 1 Due

Networks Explained


11 AIT3a TASK 2 Portable Device Design

Writing Essays

Discovering Computers Chapter 3 Solutions

    Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Week 4

AIT HomeW03 Software

AIT HomeW03 Software S

Cover Page Design PrinciplesWKS105 Design Principles Fish Test Solutions - also conduct a peer evaluation for the class on Fish Graphic

Time for in class task work.

Hardware Computer HW Quiz

Discovering Computers Chapter 4 Solutions

    Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Week 5

AIT HomeW04 Data Communications

AIT HomeW04 Data Communications S

Web Quest Internet how to Time for in class task work.

Task 2 Due

11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q

11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Produce

APS 102 Photoshop text resizing

Discovering Computers Chapter 5 Solutions

    Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Week 6

AIT HomeW05 Databases

AIT HomeW05 Databases S

Desktop Publishing Tricks

FW112 Fireworks modifying text

MWP 110 Basic Word Exercises MWP 124 Australian Mammals test

MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1

Discovering Computers Chapter 6 Solutions

    Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Week 7

AIT HomeW06 Measurement and Control

AIT HomeW06 Measurement and Control S

Time for in class task work. MWP 125 Word TOC Australian Cities Time for in class task work.

Time for in class task work.

Discovering Computers Chapter 7 Solutions

    Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Week 8

AIT HomeW07 Spreadsheet

AIT HomeW07 Spreadsheet S

Journal Sample1 FW111 Fireworks animate text Time for in class task work.

Time for in class task work.

Discovering Computers Chapter 8 Solutions

    Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36
Week 9

AIT HomeW08 Legal Framework

AIT HomeW08 Legal Framework S

Task 3 Due

Revision Time

AIT Revision Notes

07 AIT2a Theory Exam S1 Major Q


AIT2a_Exam 2 Practical Menu Q

Discovering Computers Chapter 9 Solutions

    Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40
Week 10

AIT HomeW09 Implications of ICT

AIT HomeW09 Implications of ICT S

Review Revision Time Revision Time

Revision Time

Discovering Computers Chapter 10 Solutions

2010 Term Plan Applied Information Technology 3A Term 2
Notes Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Week 1 AIT Homework Set Q 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Review AIT Homework Set S (1 ICT Systems)

Discovering Computers Chapter 11 Solutions


  Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Week 2 AIT Homework Set Q continues WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images AIT Homework Set S (2 Hardware)

Discovering Computers Chapter 12 Solutions


  Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Week 3 AIT Homework Set Q continues WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images S AIT Homework Set S (3 Software) Discovering Computers Chapter 13 Solutions
  Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Week 4 AIT Homework Set Q continues WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles AIT Homework Set S (4 Data Communication) Discovering Computers Chapter 14 Solutions
  Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Week 5 AIT Homework Set Q continues WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles S AIT Homework Set S (5 Databases) Discovering Computers Chapter 15 Solutions
  Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Week 6 AIT Homework Set Q continues WBQ103 Web Quest How Computers Work AIT Homework Set S (6 Measurement) WKS124 How Computers Work Q
  Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Week 7 AIT Homework Set Q continues WKS124 How Computers Work S AIT Homework Set S (7 Spreadsheets)  
  Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Week 8 AIT Homework Set Q continues   AIT Homework Set S (8 Legal)  
  Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36
Week 9 AIT Homework Set Q continues   AIT Homework Set S (9 Implications)  
  Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40
Week 10        
2010 Term Plan Applied Information Technology 3B Term 3
Notes Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Week 1  

AIT2a Task 1 PPT Camera Never Lies

AIT2a Task 1 Sample Power Point Short Version PJF

AIT2a Task 1 Camera Never Lies Rubric Students continue to set up web page and test links WBQ102 Web Quest File Types Images
  Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Week 2 WKS121 IT Revision Quiz WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles AIT2a Task 2 Community Web site

WBQ102 Web Quest File Types Images S

Task 1 Due

  Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12
Week 3   WKS122 Technology Quiz Q Task 3 Portfolio Text & Formatting

WBQ103 Web Quest How Computers Work

Task 2 Due

  Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Week 4   WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet WKS121 IT Revision Quiz S

WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles S

Task 3 Due

  Lesson 17

Lesson 18

Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Week 5   WKS122 Technology Quiz S WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet S Task 4 Due
  Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Week 6   WKS126 SYSTEM CONCEPTS Q WBQ105 Web Quest All about Colour WBQ108 Web Quest Design Principles
  Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Week 7     WKS126 SYSTEM CONCEPTS S WBQ108 Web Quest Design Principles S
  Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Week 8   WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet   WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet S
  Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36
Week 9   WBQ112 Web Quest IT Search Quiz   WBQ113 Web Quest Label Computer Parts
  Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40
Week 10   WBQ115 Web Quest Photography   WBQ114 Web Quest Photography S PJF
2010 Term Plan Applied Information Technology 3B Term 4
Notes Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Week 1 WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point Q   WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S
  Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Week 2 WKS102 ITC Technology Process WKS118 Venice Poster WKS103 ITC Technology Process Template  
  Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Week 3       WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point S
  Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Week 4 WKS104 All about Colour   WKS105 Design Principles  
  Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Week 5 WKS106 Working with Images   WKS108 Computer Input Devices WKS108 Computer Input Devices S
  Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Week 6 WKS109 Computer Output Devices WKS109 Computer Output Devices S AIT 3A 2010 Exam Q AIT 3A 2010 Exam S
  Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Week 7 WKS113 Communication Quiz   WKS113 Communication Quiz S  
  Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Week 8 WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz   WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz S  
  Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36
Week 9 WKS115 Desktop Publishing Quiz   WKS115 Desktop Publishing Quiz S  
  Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40
Week 10        

Back To Top

Sample student web site - Applied Information Technology 3a
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 55
Tests Homework
Oh No!
2010 11 AIT3a TASK 1 Portable Device 11 AIT3a TASK 2 Portable Device Design 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Produce 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Review      
Applied Information Technology 3b
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
TT ask 55
Tests Homework
Oh No!
2009 AIT3a Task 1 Restaurant Ordering Systems AIT3a Task 2 Restaurant Ordering Interface AIT3a Task 3 Produce Restaurant Ordering Interface AIT3a Task 4 Review Restaurant Ordering Interface      
2010 AIT3 task 2 Plan an e-vote device AIT3 Task 3 produce an e-vote device AIT3 Task1 Impact of TV on Society        



Microsoft Office Training

Office Training from Microsoft
  Office 2003 Office 2007 Office 2010

Access 2003

Access 2007

Access 2010


Excel 2003

Communicator 2007

Excel 2010


Front Page 2003

Excel 2007

OneNote 2010


InfoPath 2003

Live Meeting 2007

Outlook 2010


OneNote 2003

OneNote 2007

PowerPoint 2010


Outlook 2003

Outlook 2007

Project 2010


PowerPoint 2003

PowerPoint 2007

SharePoint 2010


Project 2003

Project 2007

SharePoint Workspace 2010


Publisher 2003

Publisher 2007

Visio 2010


Visio 2003

SharePoint Server 2007

Word 2010


Word 2003

Visio 2007


Word 2007

Download all training

Download Office 2010 training

Download Office 2007 training

Download Office 2003 training









Email Peter Faulks


Page created 27th March 2014


© Peter J Faulks