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Glossary of Business Terms


Business Terms

Certificate II in Information Technology

ICA 20199


Absenteeism - the term used to describe employees not showing up for work

Accounting - keeping of, or examining accounts

Add-ons - increasing or supplementing items

Adjoining - next to, or nearest to

Advertising mediums - forms of providing information to people to encourage purchases, or use.

Aerosols - substances sealed in containers under pressure, with devices for releasing it as a

fine spray

Ageist - relating to a person’s age.

Apparent - clearly seen or understood, obvious

Apprehension - a feeling of fear about a possible danger or difficulty

Approach - to come near, set about doing, go with a request or offer

Attentive - paying attention, watchful / showing consideration or courtesy

Attributes - to regard as belonging to or caused by / qualities that are characteristic of a person or



Back Ordered - product placed on order that is unavailable for immediate delivery to be delivered

at a later date

Behavioural - the ways of behaving, treatments of others, manners

Benefits - things that are helpful, favourable, or profitable

Brainstorming - a spontaneous discussion in search of new ideas

Breach - breaking a rule or an agreement.

Buying signals -ways of expressing intentions to purchase


Calculations - finding out by using mathematics, counting

Card Issuers - suppliers of credit cards / cash cards

Cashflow - the movement of money out of and into a business as goods are bought and sold

Categories - classes of things

Cliques - small or exclusive groups

Coherency - logical connections, speeches not rambling or unreasonable

Collate - collect and arrange systematically

Colloquialisms - ordinary conversations not suitable for formal speeches or writings

Communication - letter or message that passes information from one person to another

Competencies - skills and knowledge required to perform a job or tasks

Competition - those competing with oneself or with store

Compilations - collections and arrangements of information into a list or book

Complaints - a statement saying that one is

dissatisfied, a protest

Complaisant - willing to do what pleases others

Comprehending - to be grasping mentally,


Concealment - to keep in secret, or hidden

Conceptual - based on mental ideas or concepts

Confidence / confident - feeling of certainty, self reliance, boldness

Configuration - a method of arrangement

Confrontation - being or coming face to face with, facing boldly as an enemy or defiance

Conscience - a person’s sense of what is right and wrong

Consignment - goods handed over or given into someone’s care

Contradict - to state that what is said is untrue / state the opposite of

Contingency - anticipating that something may happen at a later date

Contentious - quarrelsome, likely to cause contention

Credit - a system of doing business by trusting that a person will pay at a later date for goods or

services supplied

Credit claims - requests for credit or refund on products or services not supplied or unacceptable

Credit Rating - an estimate of a person’s suitability for credit or a loan

Criteria - standards of judgment, expectations

Cross Reference - a note directing people to another part of a book or index for further



Data - facts or pieces of information stored and assembled at a later time to create information on

which decisions can be made or documents produced.

Data Records - records or electronic information stored in a database

Database - a structured store of computerised data, usually comprising of a number or files such

as customer lists

Database Fields - sections or areas in an input screen where certain information is inserted and

later viewed within a database.

Debit - an entry in an account book of a sum owed by the holder /debt record

Dedication - devotion of one’s time, energy, and loyalty to a special purpose

Delegate - to appoint or entrust a task, power or responsibility to someone

Dictatorship - a domineering management or


Disseminate - to spread widely eg; ideas

Deception - deceiving, being deceived by someone or something

Decision maker - person who decides or makes a reasoned judgment

Dedication—to be dedicated, to perform to the successful end.

Defensive - used or done for defense, protective

Demographics—a study of people and populations such as income levels, education, lifestyle.

Despatch - to send off to a destination or for a purpose

Deterrent - a thing that deters, an attempt to stop.

Diagnose - to make a diagnoses, to find the cause.

Dialog - a conversation or discussion

Diffusing - spreading widely or thinly throughout something / or mix to become intermingled

Dominance - having a commanding or influence presence over someone

Doodling - scribbling while thinking about something else

Drafting / draft - making a rough preliminary written version




Effectiveness - measure of amount of productiveness, efficiency

Ergonomics - study of work and its environment and conditions in order to achieve maximum efficiency

Emotion - an intense mental feeling eg; love or hate

Empathetic - being able to mentally identify with or comprehending a person or object of


Enterprise - a business or commercial entity developed to generate revenue and profits

Entitlements - rights that are due a person

Environment - the surroundings, conditions, and circumstances in which a person lives

Etiquette - the rules of correct behavior in society or among the members of a profession




Facilitate - to make easy, to lessen the difficulty of

Facsimiles - electrical reproductions of documents transmitted by machines over phone


Factual - based on or concerning facts

Features - distinctive or noticeable qualities of a thing

Feedback - the return of information about a product etc; to its supplier

Fluent - able to speak smoothly and readily

Focal - of or a focus




Geometric - the shape of the displays including the lines, angles and shape

Gestures - an expressive movement of any part of the body

Guillotine - a machine with a long blade or sharpened wheel for cutting paper or metal

Goodwill - the established custom or popularity of a business, considered as an asset that can be


Grammar - study of words and of their rules for their formation and relationship to each other

Grid - network of squares on maps, numbered or reference, straight line of rows in a display


Grooming - state of being near and trim eg; personal care of dress, hair, hygiene




Hardcopy - material produced in printed form by a computer or from a microfilm etc

Harassment - troubling and annoying continually

Hazardous / hazards - risky / danger, risk, a source of this

Housekeeping - management of household affairs

Hygiene - the practice of cleanliness in order to maintain health and prevent disease




Image - the general impression of a person, store, business or product etc. as perceived by

the public

Imparting - revealing or making known eg; information

Impromptu - without preparation or rehearsal

Impulse - a sudden inclination to act, without thought for the consequences

Impulsively - acting out an action without due thought, on impulse

Incidents - events, especially minor ones, pieces of hostile activities, or public disturbances or


Indirect - not direct

Individual - single, separate, of or for one person, characteristic of one particular person or


Information Systems - software programs developed to create file and manage data/

electronic information

Informative - giving information

Initiative - the first step in a process, power or right to begin something, the ability to initiate




Innuendoes - unpleasant insinuations

In season - relate to the season it which the product is offered such as summer wear, or winter


Insensitive - non sensitive

Intellectual - having a well-developed intellect and a taste for advanced knowledge

Interaction - having an effect upon each other

Interpersonal - dealing, actions discussions between persons

Interpreter - a person whose job is to translate a speech etc. into another language orally, in the

presence of the speaker

Interpreting / interpretation - explaining the meaning of , understanding in a specific way /

acting as an interpreter

Intimated - make known, especially by hinting

Inventory - a detailed list of goods or furniture etc., to make an inventory of; to enter in an


Investment / Invest - to use (money) to buy stocks, shares, or property etc. in order to earn

interest or bring profit for the buyer / to spend money, time, or effort on something that will be




Invoice - a list of goods sent or services performed, with prices and charges / to make an

invoice (of goods) / to send an invoice to (a person)




Jargon - words or expressions developed for use within a particular group, hard for outsiders to

understand and sounding ugly

Judiciary - the whole body of judges in a country

Justifiable - able to be justified




Knowledge - knowing / all that a person knows /

all that is known, an organised body of





Laborious - needing much effort or perseverance / showing signs of great effort, not

spontaneous, forced / hard-working

Lateral / laterally - of, at, or towards the side (s) focused sideways

Lay-by - a system of reserving an article in a shop by paying a deposit and installments

Lead-time—time it takes to satisfy or delivery an order from date of order to actual delivery.

Legislation - legislating / the laws themselves

Liability - being liable / a handicap, a disadvantage

Lip Reading - understanding what a person is saying by watching the movements of his or her

lips, not by hearing

Lobby - seeking to influence legislation, to influence a body or group.

Logic - chain of reasoning regarded as good or


Loss Prevention—to prevent the loss of stock, money or merchandise from theft or damage.




Maintenance - keeping equipment etc., in repair

Mannequin - a dressmaker’s or window dummy

Mannerisms - distinctive personal habits or ways of doing something

Maximising - effort to increase to the greatest possible number, amount or intensity

Mechanics - the processes by which something is done or functions

Memorandum - an informal written

communication from one person to another in an organisation

Memorise - to learn (anything) so as to know it from memory

Mentor - a respected person which another looks to for advise or assistance in time of need

Minder - one whose job is to attend to or take care of a person or thing

Mirror - to reflect the same qualities as the original

Misrepresentation - represented in a false or misleading way

Motivations - motives or incentives / stimulations or inspiration

Multi-tasking - skilled and able to perform numerous tasks simultaneously




Numerical - number or series of numbers




Objections - feelings of disapproval or opposition; statements of this / reasons for


Objectively - looking at an issue in the way of not being influenced by personal feelings or opinions

Observation - observing; be observed / a comment or remark

Obvious - easy to see or recognise or to understand

On hand - having available, in stock

Originating - beginning, giving origin to

Outsourcing - to give tasks, services or supplies to an outside provider instead of producing or performing the tasks, services etc. within the company.

Overseen - supervised / work or workers




PABX - a commercial telephone system consisting of numerous incoming lines and internal extensions

Paraphrasing - expressing the meaning of (a passage) in other wards rewording

Participant / Participating / Participation - having a share, taking a part in something

Password - a secret word, phrase, or set of characters, used as a code to gain admission,


Patronising - condescending, to belittle

Payment terms - terms or arrangement to make payments or money in return for goods or


Pedantic - person who insists unimaginatively on strict observance of formal rules and details in the presentation of knowledge

Performance - a notable action or achievement

Peripheral - hardware or devices controlled by a

central computer

Pertinent - pertaining, relevant

Pictorial - of or expressed in a picture or pictures / illustrated by pictures / picturesque

PIN - personal identification number

Pitch - to try to convince or sell an idea or service.

Policed - keeping order in (a place) by means of police, or to watch over and keep control of by


Policies - courses or general plan of action adopted by a government, party, management or


Precautions - things done is advance to avoid risk; or precaution

Prejudice - an unreasoning opinion, like, or dislike of something or somebody

Premises - a house or other building with its grounds and outbuildings

Price margins - difference between the cost of

the product and what the product is sold for

Principles - a basic truth or a general law or

doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or a

guide to action or behaviour

Prioritise - placing into order that which is more

important to the other items or considerations

Proactive - taking the initiative

Processing - putting through a manufacturing or other process or course of treatment, dealing

with, performing operations on (data)

Productivity - productiveness, efficiency in a person’s efforts or and organisation’s progress.

Professionalism - the qualities or skills of a profession or professionals

Profile - a short account of a person’s character or career

Pro forma Invoice - standard form or document e.g.; invoice to be presented in advance of delivery

of goods or services.

Prominently - to be placed in an important, well known position

Promotional campaigns - a series of planned activities to publicise (a product) in order to sell it

Prone - likely to do something

Props - items such as tables, mannequins, boxes used as displays

Proportion - size dimension in relation to one thing and another

Punctuality/ punctual - the arriving or doing things at the appointed time, neither early or late

Punctuation - punctuating, the marks used for this eg; full stops, comas, questions marks

Psychological - of or affecting the mind and its workings



Reactions - a response to a stimulus or act or situation etc

Reconciliation / Reconcile - to bring (facts or statements, etc) into harmony or compatibility

when they appear to conflict

Recouped - recovering what one has lost or its equivalent

Redundancy - persons or items no longer needed

Regulatory - a collection of rules and restrictions

Relevant - related to the matter at hand

Remedial - providing a remedy for a problem or deficiency

Remuneration - payment or reward for services rendered

Reputation - public recognition for one’s abilities or achievements

Research - careful study and investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or


Resolution - a formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly

Retailing - the selling of goods to the general public

Retention - retaining, to keep

Revenues - income, money collect by offering products or services.

Rosters - lists showing people’s turns of duty

Rotation / Rotate - to take turns, to be used in turn

Routine - a standard course or procedure; a series of acts performed regularly in the same




Sale Ability - capacity to sell or be sold

Sector - a similar division of an industry or activity e.g.: the private sector verses the public sector

Security - the safety of a country or organisation against espionage, theft or other danger

Senses - faculties of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, by which the external world is


Sensitivity - to be sensitive to.

Sequential - forming a sequence, following in succession, occurring as a result , in order

Signage - signs use in a store of display.

Specialised - to adapt for a particular purpose, to especially good at doing something or offering

specific goods.

Sporadically - occurring here and there, scattered

Stand-alone - not attached or part of.

Statutory - fixed or done or required by statute

Sterile - not very exciting looking, flat feeling to.

Stock - the total of goods kept by a trader or shopkeeper

Stock Control - regulating or controlling total of goods kept by a trader or shopkeeper

Strategy - planning and directing of the whole operation of a campaign

Submissive - submitting to power or authority, willing to obey

Suitability - the appropriateness or rightness for a purpose or occasion

Symmetry - pleasing proportion between parts of

a whole eg; display

Synonymous - words or phrases with a meaning similar to that of another in the same language



Tactfulness - expressing or showing tact, avoiding offence

Takings - money taken in business, receipts

Tangible - clear and definite, real

Target market - an objective place or group where goods may be sold

Techniques - methods of doing or performing something, skill in this

Template - preset style or pattern

Tendered - formally offered to supply goods or carry out work at a stated price

Terminal - an apparatus for transmitting messages to and from a computer or

communications system etc

Terminology - technical terms used to describe a product, process or subject

Theft - stealing

Trade - exchange of goods for money or other goods / business of a particular kind

Transactional Documents - papers giving

information or evidence about business performed and carried out

Trends - the general directions that something takes; continuing tendencies

Tribunals - boards officials appointed to make a judgment or act as arbitrators on particular

problems or problems of a certain kind

Trouble-shooting - tracing and correcting faults in machinery etc or mediating in disputes



Underlying -lying or exist beneath / basis of / facts that are accounting for

Up-sell—to sell something of better value, quality or quantity for more money.

User name—name or title used when accessing computer programs.



Value-added - increase or supplementing to the amount or quantity or ability, usefulness

Vendor - a person who sells something

Viability - practicable, ability to exist successfully

Viral Effect—an effect of spreading without any assistance, such as word of mouth.

Visibility - being visible, easy to see.

Vocabulary - the words known to a person or used in a particular book or subject

Vocation - a person’s chosen line of work or trade

Voided / void - not legally valid / to make legally void, to end, to stop.

Vulnerable - able to be hurt or wounded or injured / unprotected, exposed to danger or attack



Warranties - guarantees, especially those given to the buyer of articles involving promises to repair

defects that become apparent in them within a specific period

Wholesale - the selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by others

Written –off - to cancel; to recognise as lost; to dismiss as insignificant


Business Projects for Students

1. Disco - Run the school disco (Print tickets, posters and undertake running including food supply (Sausage Sizzle or Pizza)

2. Shoe Polish & Wax - Clean and wax all shoes for $2.00 per pair

3. Hot Chocholate Stall - Sell hot chocolate

4. Lollie Stall - sell lollies

5. Run a school event - like Table Tennis Tournament, 5-A-Side Soccer

6. Valetines Day "Secret Cards" - Make cards for Valetines Day and deliver them

7. Staff Luncheon - Organise a staff lunch - Sausage Rolls, Sadwiches, Cakes, Pizza etc.



Explanation for Student Compendium
File Includes
A shortened form of a word or phrase.
ANU - Australian National University
An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. Sometimes, the newly combined letters create a new word that becomes a part of everyday language. An example of this is the acronym radar. Also includes Mnemonics Educational Acronyms, Information Technolgy Acronyms,
a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words * Priest = Sacerdotal

Types of animals, Sounds the make, Where do they live, Collective names of animals

Apes - gibber, Camel live in Australia, Sahara & Arabia, names = Bull - is called a heifer

a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad - good ).

Opposites = Absent - present

Big_Words for small
Small word with big word alternative
Anger - Dudgeon * bold - Audacious
Business_Terms_Glossary Terms used in business

A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them

A partner in crime - accomplice

Words pertaining to the church

A passage between the pews in a church - Aisle

Similar sounding words with different meanings also Homonyms

Council, an administrative or advisory body, do not confuse with counsel, advice or guidance.

All about communication see also A History of Communication
All computer terms (ASCII, Binary, Unicode)

Names given to certain towns or countries includes facts about climate

Aberdeen - The Granite City The Torrid Zone has the hottest climate Zinc - Mexico, U.S.A., Spain

Words pertaining to death

Occurring after death - posthumous

A diminutive person is short and small. A diminutive wordis a "cute" version of a word or name: for example, "duckling" is a diminutive of "duck" and Billy is a diminutive form of the name William

Cask - casket   

Famous world discoveries of countries continents, includes Australian discoverers

Matthew Flinders -discovered Bass Strait. * Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts in 1908

Explanation of a word, words in literal expressions denote what they mean according to common or dictionary usage

Aloof -To keep to oneself and not mix with others.

Flags of the world Flags of countries in the world includes a countries quiz

Gender list of male female

Actor - Actress

Countries of the world and Geographical facts

The Circumference of the earth is approxinmately 24,800 miles.

List of gods and goddesses

War - Mars

Australian and UK government with words denoting government

Australian Government

Explains grammar syntax and verbs adjectives nouns etc.

Explains various uses of nouns verbs etc.

The art of living together includes senses, elements, cardinal numbers, cardinal virtues

THE ART OF LIVING - Consideration for the feelings of others

Alphabetical list of the most important inventions

Clock (pendulum) - Christian Huygens

List of kings and queens of Britain with facts and information

EGBERT 827 - 839

Practical list of  words explained in a sentence or phrase

A book in which the events of each day are recorded - Diary

Words pertaining to marriage included anniversary gifts

A hater of marriage - misogamist

Medical terms in use today

A disease confined to a particular district or place - endemic

Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated

Sounds that things make, description of various venues or habitats, special calendar dates, Aussie slang words, Mnemonics

All Fools' Day - 1st April - Aussie slang - sounds that things make etc.

Names of persons or things, occupations, and a description of word meanings i.e. Terrestrial = Earth

Various names explained Bird of night - Owl

Words connected to nature

A four-footed animal - quadruped

a word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal

That which cannot be pierced or penetrated - impenetrable

Explanation of nouns, COMMON Nouns, PROPER Nouns, COLLECTIVE  Nouns and ABSTRACT Nouns.

sit - seat (when to use Nouns)

Numbers of animals things i.e. A number of Cattle = herd

A number of fish taken in a net - catch, haul

a person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

Unable to read - il-literate

Special days, Aussies slang and any other items not covered in this list

Any other items that might be of interest

List of Patron Saints

St. George of England, St. Andrew of Scotland

Noctiphobia - Fear of the night

A list of places A place where bees are kept = apiary

A place where fishes are kept - aquarium

The case which is used to show possession is called the possessive case or genitive case. In case of nouns, an apostrophe is used to show it.

Is the case which denotes the owner or possessor

All Prefixes

List of various professions

The commander of a fleet - Admiral

Famous proverbs A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bad beginning makes a good ending.

Serious Quotes and some Witty funny one liners

Someone has glued my pack of cards together...I cannot deal with it!

Famous sayings

as a drowned rat. - as ancient as the sun—as the stars.

List of words used in Science or Art

An instrument for detecting earthquakes - seismograph

Explanation of scientific items like barometer

The science of land management - agronomics

The seven wonders of the ancient world with explanations

The Pyramids of Egypt

Words to use as a Simile which is a phrase that describes one thing in terms of another.  A simile usually begins with like or as.

Archates - a good friend * Belt = to hit below the belt

List of words or phrases that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another 

abandon....... desert, forsake, leave.

Understanding words, Incorrect Use of Words,

Thesaurus of Words
Thesaurus - abandon = abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons affluent =having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value,words explained and incorrect use of words

The floor was dirt.  Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor." 

Words used in war

Nations carrying on warfare - belligerents

Anniversary dates and wedding information

Words shown in noun or verb

strong - strengthen

Signs of the Zodiac



Warning these lessons may no longer be acceptable, they were written 2004 - 2011 and may have subsequently been superseded



Certificate II in Business Title

Study Time



Work effectively in a business environment




Organize and complete daily work activities




Communicate in the workplace




Work effectively with others




Use business technology




Participate in workplace safety procedures




Produce simple word processed documents




Create and use simple spreadsheets




Develop keyboard skills




Operate a Personal Computer




Integrate Commercial computer packages




Design Organizational Documents using computer



Site Plan - Main Web Links
Student Compendium a list of useful information
List of the main pages see across for more details AIT Student Compendium Specific Subject Tutorial
Accreditation AITStage1 SC001_Abbreviations Access
Applied Information Technology AITStage2 SC002_Acronyms Adobe Pen
Certificate II in Business AITStage3 SC003_Animals Audacity
Certificate II in Technology   SC004_Adjectives Corel
Computing Units for the course SC004_Antonyms Digital _design
Digital _design Cert II Business SC005_Big_Words Dreamweaver
Exams 01Work effectively in a business environment SC006_Characteristics Evaluation - Evaluation forms
Geography 02Organize and complete daily work activities SC007_Church Excel
HASS Humanities 03Communicate in the workplace SC007_Commonly_confused_words Filemaker
History 04Work effectively with others SC008_Countries Flash
ICT_Homework 05Use business technology SC009_Diminutives Illustrator
Lessons 06Participate in workplace safety SC010_Famous In-design
Life skills 07Produce simple word processed documents SC011_Figurative_Expressions Inspiration
Mathematics 08Create and use simple spreadsheets SC012_Gender Pages
Miscellaneous 09Develop keyboard skills SC013_Geography Paintshop
Multimedia 10Operate a personal computer SC014_Gods Photoshop
Naplan - Tests & Exams 11Integrate commercial computing SC015_Government Powerpoint
Quizzes - hundreds of in class quizzes 12Design Organizational Documents using computer packages SC016_Grammar Programming
Relief - Relief lessons Units for the course SC017_Human_Relationships Soundbooth
Religion Cert II Information Technology SC018_Inventions Techprocess
Resources A list of teacher resource sites 01Operate A Personal Computer SC019_Kings_Queens Word
Scamper - A card game for all ages 02Follow workplace safety procedures SC020_Literary see individual pages for various lessons
Science 03 Design organisational documents using computing packages SC021_Marriage  
Site plan - you are here 04Operate computer hardware SC022_Medical  
Steamer - A student created reference book 05Operate computing packages SC023_Miscellaneous quizzes
Student_ Companion 06Integrate Commercial computing packages SC024_Nouns quizzes _cinema
Student _Compendium - A list of useful information 07Use computer operating system quizzes _entertainment
Subjects 08Work effectively in an IT environment SC026_Nature quizzes _famous_people
Student Survival Kit - how to survive after school 09Communicate in the workplace SC027_Negatives quizzes_ general_knowledge
Technology 10Connect Hardware Peripherals SC028_Numbers quizzes_ geography
index _tutorials - link to tutorials 11Maintenance of equipment and consumables SC029_Opposites quizzes _history
Web quests - student work with the internet 12Access and use the internet SC030_Patron Saints quizzes_ literary
Worksheets student worksheets lots of topics 13Work individually or as a Team Member SC031_Places quizzes _multi
  14Capture a digital image SC032_Possessive_Case quizzes_ music_tv
    SC033_Professions quizzes _quiz_night
Soccer Coaching Life Skills to help in a crisis SC034_Similes quizzes _science_nature
A free soccer coaching handbook life skills SC035_Proverbs quizzes _sport

250 soccer coaching grids with explanation for each grid, you can now download them individually or use the .zip folders,


The book covers:- attacking, defending, goal keeping, midfield play, shooting, passing, tackling and there are complete training sets for Junior, Youth and Girls, Men & Ladies teams and Semi-Professional teams with 20 weeks of training in each set.

life skills_away_from_home SC036_Science_and_Arts 01 Covid Quiz
life skills_core_life_skills SC037_Scientific_Terms  
life skills_living in a dorm Other Subjects (STEAM)
life skills_drugs SC039_Synonyms Art
life skills_first_aid SC040_War English
life skills_greeting SC041_Witty Quotes History
life skills_nice_thoughts SC042_Words_to_Verbs Geography
Warm Up Grids life skills_phone tips SC043_Other Society & Environment
Ball Skill Grids life skills_recipes SC044_Metaphors Mathematics
Match Practice Grids life skills_how to write a resume SC045_Phobias Engineering
Set Pieces life skills_stay safe SC046_Death Science
Coaching Tools life skills_travel SC047_Thesaurus  
Fun Grids life skills_life could be worse SC048_Sayings  
Game Grids lifeskills_its all about you SC049_UrbanMyths  
Email Soccer Coaching   SC050_Zodiac_signs  


Section 1* Section 2 * Section 3 * Section 4 * Section 5 * Section 6 * Section 7

Section 8 * Section 9 * Section 10 * Section 11 * Section 12


Email Peter Faulks


Page updated 6th May 2014