Peter Faulks Teacher Resources Site Plan

Site Files Listed by Subject Note some will be duplicated in different areas of study

Files Site Plans

A to D * E to H * I to L * M to Q * R to Z

E to H

Files Note some may be listed twice in other sections Notes Answers or Solutions


04AIT2a Task 4 Equipment  
09 AIT1b Task 4 Equipping an office  
11 AIT3a TASK 1 Enemy of the State Essay COM130 Enemy of The State
04AIT2b Task 4 Investigate Ethics  
AIT3 Task2 Plan an e-vote device  
AIT3 Task3 produce an e-vote device  
AIT3 Worksheet Electronic Ettiquette  
2001 Econ Exam Paper 2001 Econ Exam Ans Sheet
  2001 Econ Exam Solutions
Y11ECONOMICS S1-2000  
Y11ECONOMICS S1-2001  
Y12ECONOMICS S1-2000  
ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S
ENG101 Inserting Symbols  
ENG102 Three Meals a day  
ENG103 Inserting Special Characters  
ENG104 Grammar and syntax  
ENG105 Who needs spelling  
Exams English  
Y12ENGLISH S1-2000  
Y12ENGLISH S1-2001  
YR11ENGLISH S1-2001  
Y11ENGLISHLIT S1-2001 English Literature
Y11ENGLISH S2-2000  
YR11ENGLISH S1-2001  
Link to English Exam Papers  
WKS218 Pertaining to Government Correcting WKS218 Pertaining to Government Correcting S
WKS219 Pertaining to People Correcting WKS219 Pertaining to People Correcting S
WKS220 Pertaining to Numbers Correcting WKS220 Pertaining to Numbers Correcting S
WKS221 Pertaining to Church Correcting WKS242 Pertaining to Church Correcting S
WKS222 Pertaining to Trades Correcting WKS222 Pertaining to Trades Correcting S
WKS227 Acronyms for Education Acronyms Page
WKS228 Glossary of Education Terms  
WKS242 Certain Characteristics WKS242 Certain Characteristics S
WKS243 Pertaining to Marriage WKS243 Pertaining to Marriage S
WKS244 Pertaining to Death WKS244 Pertaining to Death S
WKS246 Opposites WKS246 Opposites Negatives S
WKS400 Similes Q WKS400 Similes S * Similes Page
WKS401 Proverb.doc WKS401 Proverbs S
WKS401 Proverbs.xls Proverbs Page
WKS231 Denoting Places WKS231 Denoting Places S
WKS231 Denoting Places.xls  
WKS232 Small Words Big WKS232 Small Words Big
WKS238 Adjectives and Nouns WKS238 Adjectives and Nouns S
WKS239 Phobias WKS239 Phobias S
WKS208 Literary Facts WKS208 Literary Facts S
WKS209 Expressions WKS209 Expressions S
WKS120 Metaphors Worksheet WKS120 Metaphors Worksheet S
WKS249 Grammar & Syntax  
WKS250 Commonly Confused Words  
MIS166 Grammar Syntax  
MIS167 Using Words Correctly  
Rogets Thesaurus Sayings Page
JOHN CLEESE on English Open all books in Microsoft Word open any file

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see: David Copperfield Converted

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Permission is hereby granted to download, reprint, and/or otherwise  redistribute these files, provided appropriate point of origin  credit is given to the preparer(s) and the National Public  Telecomputing Network.
Jefferson Thomas
Aladdin Johnson, Lionel Pigot
Allingham Jonson, Benjamin
APOCRYPHA Kennedy John F
Arabian Nights King, Henry
Arnold Matthew Kingsley, Charles
Austen Jane Landor, Walter Savage
Bacon, Francis Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Lear, Edward
Barnefield, Richard Lincoln Abraham
Barnes, William Lodge, Thomas
Baum Frank Logan, John
Beardsley, Aubrey Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Beaumont, Frances Lovelace, Richard
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell Lowell, Amy
Behn, Aphra Lowell, James Russell
Bible Lyly, John
BILL OF RIGHTS Macaulay, Lord Thomas Babington
Blake, William Magna Carta
Boswell, Sir Alexander Mangan, James Clarence
Bowles, William Lisle Marlowe, Christopher
Breton, Nicholas Marvell, Andrew
Bronte Anne Mayflower Compact The
Bronte, Charlotte Melville, Herman
Bronte, Emily Jane Meynell, Alice Christiana
Brooke, Rupert Mickle, William Julius
Brown, Thomas Edward Milton, John
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Monroe Doctrine The
Browning, Robert Moore, Thomas
Bryant, William Cullen Mormon Book of
Burnett Frances Hodgson Morris, William
Burns, Robert Munday, Anthony
Byron, Lord George Gordon Nairne, Lady Carolina
Campbell, Thomas Nashe, Thomas
Campion, Thomas Newman, Cardinal John Henry
Carew, Thomas Northwest Ordinances The
Carey, Henry O"Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar
Carroll, Lewis Owen, Wilfred
Charlotte Town Resolves The Paris Peace Treaty
Chaucer Geoffrey Pater, Walter Horatio
Cibber, Colley Peacock, Thomas Love
Clare, John Philips, Ambrose
Clinton Bill Poe, Edgar Allan
Clough, Arthur Hugh Pope, Alexander
Coleridge, Hartley Prior, Matthew
Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth Proctor, Adelaide Anne
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Ralegh, Sir Walter
Collins, William Rogers, Samuel
Communist Manifesto Karl Marx Roget"s Thesaurus
Congreve William Roosevelt Franklin
Constable, Henry Rossetti, Christina Georgina
Cory, William Johnson Scott, Sir Walter
Cowley, Abraham Sedley, Sir Charles
Cowper, William Seeger, Alan
Crane Stephen Shakespeare William
Crashaw, Richard Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft
Cunningham, Allan Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Daniel, Samuel Pater, Walter Horatio
Davidson, John Peacock, Thomas Love
De Vere, Aubrey Philips, Ambrose
Declaration of Independence USA Poe, Edgar Allan
Declaration of the First Continental Congress Pope, Alexander
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen French Milton, John
Defoe Daniel Monroe Doctrine The
Dekker, Thomas Moore, Thomas
Descartes Rene Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Dickens Charles Oliver converted, David Copperfield Converted Sidney, Sir Philip
Dickinson, Emily Sigerson-Shorter, Dora
Donne, John Smollett Tobias George
Douglass Frederick Sophocles
Dowson, Ernest Christopher Southey, Robert
Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings Charles Southwell, Robert
Drayton, Michael Spenser, Edmund
Drummond, William Stevenson, Robert Louis
Dryden, John Stoker Bram
Dyer, Sir Edward Stratton-Porter Gene
Eliot, George Suckling, Sir John
Elliott, Jean (Jane) Sun-Tzu"s The Art Of War
Emerson, Ralph Waldo Swift, Jonathan
Faulks William Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Ferguson, Sir Samuel Sylvester, Joshua
Field, Michael Synge, John Millington
Finch, Anne Tannahill, Robert
First Thanksgiving Proclamation Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Fitzgerald, Edward Thomas, Edward
Flecker, James Elroy Thompson, Francis
Fletcher, John Thomson, James Rule Britannia
Ford John Thoreau, Henry David
Frederic Harold Trollope Anthony
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut of 1639 Truman Harry
Hawthorne Nathaniel Twain, Mark
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Vaughan, Henry
Henley, William Ernest Verne Jules
Henry Patrick Very, Jones
Herbert, George Virginia Declaration of Rights
Herrick, Robert Waller, Edmund
Heywood, Thomas Warton, Thomas
HIROHITO Japanese surrender Washington George
Hogg James Watts, Isaac
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Webster, John
Hood, Thomas White, Joseph Blanco
Hope Anthony Whitman, Walt
Hopkins, Gerard Manley Whittier, John Greenleaf
Howe, Julia Ward Wilde, Oscar
Hughes Thomas Wilmot, John
Hugo Victor Wither, George
Hunt, James Henry Leigh Wolfe, Charles
Ingelow, Jean Wollstonecraft Mary
Iroquois Constitution Wordsworth, William
Irving Washington Wotton, Sir Henry
James Henry Wyatt, Sir Thomas
Complete Works of Charles Dickens (Delphi Classics)  
MXL000 Excel Introduction MXL000 Excel Introduction S
MXL001 Excel Enter text Gnomes MXL001 Excel Enter text Gnomes S
MXL001 Excel Exersize 01 surname  
MXL002 Excel Exersize 02 surname  
MXL003 Excel Exersize 03 surname  
MXL002 Excel Text & Merge Sports MXL002 Excel Text & Merge Sports S
MXL003 Excel Text & Merge Shares MXL003 Excel Text & Merge Shares S
MXL004 Excel Text & Merge Survey MXL004 Excel Text & Merge Survey S
MXL005 Excel Absolute Cells  
MXL006 Excel Bodmas Formula  
MXL007 Excel Bikeshop IF Sales MXL007 Excel Bikeshop IF Sales S
MXL008 Excel Payroll MXL008 Excel Payroll S
MXL009 Excel Autofill MXL009 Excel Autofill S
MXL010 Excel Ampersand MXL010 Excel Ampersand S
MXL011 Excel Car loan PMT MXL011 Excel Car loan PMT S
MXL012 Excel Maths MXL012 Excel Maths S
MXL013 Excel CountIf MXL013 Excel CountIf S
MXL014 Excel Ageing  
MXL015 Excel Perpetual-calendar  
MXL016 Excel Test 1 Country Club MXL016 Excel Test 1 Country Club S
MXL017 Excel Simple Vlookup  
MXL018 Sample Marking MM  
MXL019 Excel Quick Reference  
MXL020 Excel Tricks  
MXL021 Excel Calculation  
MXL022 Excel Intro make a Binary Table  
MXL100 Excel Intro MXL100 Excel Exam S
MXL100 Excel Test Paper MXL100 Excel Test Paper Ans
MXL117 Budget Intro MXL117 Budget intro
MXL118 Excel Vlookup Silly Story  
MXL119 Excel Big Words Q MXL119 Excel Big Words S
MXL120 Excel Test Budget MXL120 Excel Budget Test S
MXL121 Amortization Motgage payments  


Inclued Tests see also Quizzes or Relief
LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
APS109 Photoshop Venice Q APS109Images
MXL120 Excel Test Budget MXL120 Excel Budget Test S
AIT 2A 2007 Exam Q AIT 2A 2007 Exam S
AIT 2A 2010 Exam Q AIT 2A 2010 Exam S
07 AIT2a Exam 3 Practical Menu Q 07 AIT2a Exam 3 Practical Menu S
07 AIT2b Exam 4 Practical Elephant Q  
08 AIT2a Test 1 Graphics Practical Q 08 AIT2a Test 1 Graphics Practical S
08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics Q 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics S
11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish S
Computing Exams and Tests  
WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz S
C2IT08_04 Group Quiz Technology C2IT08_04 Group Quiz Technology S
C2IT08_05 Group Quiz About Technology Q C2IT08_05 Group Quiz About Technology S
C2IT08_07 Types of Communication Q C2IT08_07 Types of Communication S
C2IT07_05 Command Line Q C2IT07_05 Command Line S
C2IT07_07 File Types Quiz Q C2IT07_07 File Types Quiz S
C2IT07_11 Peripherals Quiz Q C2IT07_11 Peripherals Quiz S
C2IT07_12 Customising the Desktop Q C2IT07_12 Customising the Desktop S
LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
APS109 Photoshop Venice Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Evaluation
11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish S
MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1 MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1S
08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics Q 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics S
Web Quest The Internet 20 Question Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S

AIT 3A 2010 Exam Q

AIT 3A 2010 Exam S

AIT 3A 2011 Exam Q AIT 3A 2011 Exam S

AIT3 EXAM FINAL_production_booklet_Stage_3

English Similar Words

AIT2A Exam Major Revision EXAM002 The Computer S
AIT2B Exam Master Revision  
In Class Tests and Exams  
EXAM00 Template  
EXAM001 All About Computers Q EXAM001 All About Computers S
EXAM002 The Computer Q EXAM002 The Computer S
EXAM003 Computers Power Point Q EXAM003 Computers Power Point S
EXAM004 Digital Images Q EXAM004 Digital Images S
EXAM005 Oriental Delights Restaurant EXAM005 Oriental Delights Restaurant S
EXAM006 Photoshop Venice Q see Photoshop Venice Poster
EXAM007 Simple Graphics EXAM007 Simple Graphics S
EXAM008 Elephant Graphics EXAM008 Elephant Graphics S
EXAM009 Plate Graphics EXAM009 Plate Graphics S
EXAM010 Olympics Graphics EXAM010 Olympics Graphics S
EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical S EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical Q
EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band Q EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band S
EXAM013 Graphics Correction Q EXAM013 Graphics Correction S
EXAM014 Typing Test EXAM014 Typing_Speed_Test
EXAM015 Practical Menu Q EXAM015 Practical Menu S
EXAM016 Info Tech Exam Q EXAM016 Info Tech Exam S
  EXAM017 Design tasks S
HASS Exams  
2001 Econ Exam Paper 2001 Econ Exam Solutions
  2001 Econ Exam An's Sheet
ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S


Exams Multimedia Power Point

Exam Multimedia Olympics

Exam Multimedia Olympics S

History of Olympics.ppt


Exam computer Q About the computer Exam computer S
Exams NAPLAN  
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y3 Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y3
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y3 Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y3
Example_Test_Reading_Y3 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y3
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y5
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y5
naplan_year5_test_prep_set1_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set1_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set2_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set2_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set3_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set3_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set4_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set4_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set5_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set5_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set6_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set6_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set7_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set7_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set8 naplan_year5_test_prep_set8_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set9 naplan_year5_test_prep_set9_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set10 naplan_year5_test_prep_set10_Solutions
Example_Test_Reading_Y5 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y5 naplan_year5_info_marking_grid
Example_Test_Reading_Y5 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions_12 naplan_read_yr5_set4_answer
naplan_year5_lit_read_qst_11 naplan_read_yr5_set3_answer
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions_10 naplan_year5_lit_read_mag_10
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions naplan_read_yr5_set2_answer
Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y5
Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y5
naplan_year5_lit_read_mag naplan_read_yr5_set1_answer
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y7 Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y7
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y7_non_calc Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y7_Non_Calc
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y7_calc Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y7_Calc
Example_Test_Reading_Y7 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y7
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y9 Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y9
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y9_non_calc Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y9_Non_Calc
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y9_calc Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y9_Calc
Example_Test_Reading_Y9 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y9
Art Exams  
Y11ART S2-2000  
Drama Exams
Y11DRAMA S2-2000  
Y12DRAMA S1-2001  
2001 Econ Exam Paper 2001 Econ Exam Solutions
  2001 Econ Exam Ans Sheet
ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S


ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S
English Page
Education in England a history - Chapter 6  


FM 7 Converting Databases  
FMP 5 Getting Started Guide  
FMP 5 User's Guide  
FMP 7 User's Guide  
FMP100 Starting Filemaker Pro  
FMP100 Starting Filemaker  
FMP101 Invoices Filemaker  
FMP102 Filemaker Fundamentals  
FMP103 Filemaker Pro 13 age  
FMP118 FileMaker Import-Share  
FMP119 Building Calculations  
07 AIT Making a weather map Extending Fireworks MX
Flower Creation  
FW110 Using Fireworks  
FW111 Fireworks annimate text  
FW112 Fireworks modifying text  
FW113 Fireworks Flowers1  
FW114 Fireworks Stylised Flowers  
FW114 Fireworks Stylised Flowers2 Macromedia Fireworks Tips
FLASH Flash Classroom in a book
Flash Various Effects Tutorials  
Howto Flash Intro  
MFX 100 Flash Introduction  
MFX 101 Create a slide show in Flash  
MFX 102 Flash Animation Course  
MFX 103 Creating Motion Tween in Flash  
MFX 104 Flash fades  
MFX 105 Flash Toolbars  
MFX 106 Flash Effects Tutorials  
MFX101 Create a slide show in Flash  
MFX107 Create a slide show fader in Flash  
HASS001 Factory Act 1802  


Y11GEOGRAPHY S1-2000  
Y11GEOGRAPHY S1-2001  
2018_GEO_Written_Examination 2018_GEO_Ratified_Marking_Key
WKS203 Climate Correcting WKS203 Climate S
WKS213 Geographical Correcting WKS213 Geographical Correcting S
LES119 Geography (Flags Quiz)  
ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game
ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S
Short Quizzes Includes answers
Geography 001 Kampuchea is now the official name of which country?
Geography 002 Where in the world would you find Central Park?
Geography 003 Where is the Statue of Liberty?
Geography 004 Which is the world's smallest continent?
Geography 005 What does the Monument in London commemorate?
Geography 006 How many Scilly Isles are there: 14, 40 or 140?
Geography 007 Which city is on the Tigris river?
Geography 008 What is the United States' busiest airport?
Geography 009 Which Mediterranean island lies close to a smaller island called Gozo?
Geography 010 What does 'Mediterranean' mean?
Geography 011 Which country was awarded the George Cross in 1942?
Geography 012 Which continent contains more than 50% of the world's
Geography 013 Where in London is 'Poets' Corner'?
Geography 014 The old country of Babylonia is now called?
Geography 015 We call this place Leghorn; what do the Italians call it?
Geography 016 What is Formosa now called?
Geography 017 What is the national language of Brazil?
Geography 018 What record does Mount Whitney hold?
Geography 019 What is the capital of Chile?
Geography 020 To which country do the Azores belong?
Geography 021 What happens at Oberammergau, Bavaria, every ten years?
Geography 022 At which London cemetery is Karl Marx buried?
Geography 023 What is the capital of Malaysia?
Geography 024 What, exactly, was the Golden Arrow?
Geography 025 The Balearic Islands are part of which country?
Geography 026 To which country do the Galapagos Islands belong?
  Geography 1-26
Graphics Test  
EXAM007 Simple Graphics EXAM007 Simple Graphics S
EXAM008 Elephant Graphics EXAM008 Elephant Graphics S
EXAM009 Plate Graphics EXAM009 Plate Graphics S
EXAM010 Olympics Graphics EXAM010 Olympics Graphics S
EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical S EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical Q
EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band Q EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band S
EXAM013 Graphics Correction Q EXAM013 Graphics Correction S
EXAM015 Practical Menu Q EXAM015 Practical Menu S
ENG104 Grammar and syntax  



History Exams

YEAR 12 HISTORY S2 1999  
Y11HISTORY S1-2000  
Y11HISTORY S2-2000  
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2000  
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2001  
Y12HISTORY S2-2000  
COM141 Hardware Quiz Q COM141 Hardware Quiz S
  Y7 Portfolio Hardware Solutions
Short History Quizzes With answers
001 History Who was king of England in the year AD1000?
002 History In which year did William the Conqueror order the Domesday Book to be compiled?
003 History By what nickname was Sir Henry Percy, son of the Earl of Northumberland, who was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury in 1403, generally known?
004 History Who was king of England in the year 1200?
005 History Which English king lost his only son when the 'White Ship' sank in the Channel in 1120?
006 History What important social registry was begun in 1836?
007 History King Edward III defeated which fleet at Winchelsea in 1350?
008 History The foundation stone of which London Cathedral was laid in 1675?
009 History What set sail from Spain to England in 1588?
010 History Who was accidentally killed by Sir William Tyrel in the New Forest
in 1100?
011 History Who was king of England in the year 1300?
012 History In what movement of the 15th century did Philipp Melanchthon and Ulrich Zwingli play prominent parts?
013 History What began in Pudding Lane and ended in Pie Corner?
014 History Who commanded the Spanish and Papal forces which defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571?
015 History In memory of what was Battle Abbey in Sussex founded?
016 History Elizabeth of Hungary lived from 1207 to 1231 and married to the Landgrave of Thuringia. What happened to her in 1235?
017 History In which year did the Battle of Agincourt take place?
021 History Philip the Bold, John the Fearless and Philip the Good were all
dukes of what?
022 History In which year was the Festival of Britain held?
023 History Who became king of Scotland in 1040?
024 History In which year was the House of Commons established in
025 History Edward Hawke, George Rodney and John Jervis all achieved
distinction as what?
026 History Charles the Bald, Charles the Wise and Charles the Affable were
all kings of which European country?
027 History Jane Shore, Nell Gwyn and Lillie Langtry were all famous
as what?
028 History Ada Augusta Lovelace (1815_52) is famous for her work in which
029 History Knut Sveinsson was the Danish name of which king of England?
030 History The poet Robert Browning and Alfred Krupp the founder of the
famous German steel and armaments firm were both born in the
year of a famous military disaster. What year was it?
031 History What is the English term for the drink known in Scotland as
032 History The Battles of Lansdown, Roundway Down, Newbury and
Langport were all fought during which war?
033 History Who was murdered in 1916 by being shot and then thrown into
the River Neva?
034 History Where did King Charles I raise his standard at the beginning of
the English Civil War?
035 History For her activities in what field is Selina, Countess of Huntingdon
(1707_91) famous?
036 History In which century was the National Debt established in England?
037 History Who was king of England in the year 1500?
038 History Malcolm Canmore, Donald Bane, William the Lion and John de
Baliol were all at various times kings of which country?
039 History In which year was Robert the Bruce crowned king of Scotland?
040 History Who was the mother of Mary Queen of Scots? Anne of Austria,
Margaret of Scotland, or Mary of Guise?
041 History What did the diplomat Jean Nicot (1530_1600) introduce into
042 History Which archbishop of Canterbury held out his hand to the fire in
which he was about to be burned as a punishment for signing a
recantation of his Protestant principles?
043 History Anne of Austria was the mother of which French king?
044 History In which battle of World War I were angels reported to have
fought beside the British troops?
045 History Who was king of England in the year 1600?
046 History In which year was Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother born?
047 History What was the name of Christopher Columbus's flagship on his
expedition of 1492?
048 History Which king of England set out on a crusade to Palestine in 1190?
049 History What makes Pope Adrian IV unique?
050 History The architect Louis Le Vau began the extension and remodelling of which French palace in 1661?
051 History Who was king of England in the year 1700?
052 History What did the USA purchase from France for 15 million dollars in 1803?
053 History King Edward VII opened which major museum at South Kensington on 26 June 1909?
054 History When did Eva Peron of Argentina die?
055 History What did Russia sell to the US in 1867?
056 History Who met at the Munich Agreement of 1938?
057 History What did the Jameson Raid into the Transvaal on 29 December 1895 lead to?
058 History Which London department store opened on 15 March 1909?
059 History Which Mediterranean island became an independent republic in 1960?
060 History In which German city were the Holy Roman Emperors elected and, from 1562, crowned?
061 History Which famous London theatre burned down during a performance in 1613?
062 History In 1007 King Ethelred II (the Unready) paid pounds 30,000 to the
Danes to guarantee freedom from attack for two years. This was one of several payments known as what?
063 History The 'Plantation of Ulster', involving the confiscation of land
from the native Irish and the introduction of settlers from the
mainland of Britain took place under which king of England?
064 History The union of which two countries was formalized by an Act of
Union in 1536?
065 History Who was king of Great Britain in the year 1800?
066 History In which decade of the 19th century was gold discovered on the
Witwatersrand in the Transvaal, South Africa?
067 History 'What hath God wrought' was the first message transmitted from
Washington DC to Baltimore in 1844 using which then-new
method of communication?
068 History Which king of England was the illegitimate son of a
tanner's daughter?
069 History Around the year 1000, Leif Ericson is thought to have journeyed
to and explored what?
070 History Meriwether Lewis and William Clark between 1804 and 1806 led
an expedition across what stretch of then unexplored territory?
071 History Which was the first European country to begin importing slaves
from Africa?
072 History President Abraham Lincoln represented which political party?
073 History Babar (or Babur) (1483 to 1530) was the first emperor of which
dynasty in India?
074 History In which year did German troops reoccupy the Rhineland as part
of the repudiation of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
075 History Where did Roosevelt and Churchill meet at a conference in
January 1943 to plan Allied strategy in the latter part of
World War II?
076 History Whom did Henry II succeed as king of England in 1154?
077 History What did Lord Nelson lose in 1794 in an attack on the town of
Calvi in Corsica, his arm or his eye?
078 History Who was the last Plantagenet king of England?
079 History Which island became a dependency of Norway in the 9th century
and was ceded to Scotland in 1266?
080 History Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Man?
081 History Which famous London market moved from central London to a more southerly site in 1974?
082 History Who is the current Duke of Cornwall?
083 History President McKinley of the United States died on 14th September
1901, following what?
084 History In 1747 Johann Sebastian Bach presented his 'Musical Offering'
to which king?
085 History Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish conqueror, overcame which
people, and where, in 1533?
086 History Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to tax which group of
087 History Who was William McKinley?
088 History Which European country overthrew its monarchy and became a
republic on 5th October, 1910?
089 History Who was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova?
090 History What was the Stern Gang in Palestine?
091 History By what name is Siddhartha Gautama better-known?
092 History Which driverless, computer-run railway began operating on 30th
July, 1987?
093 History Who in 1895 set sail from Boston on the first solo round-theworld
094 History Which well-known Irish political party was founded in Dublin in
095 History What was the name of the wife of King Louis XVI of France?
096 History What flag was first adopted in Britian in 1606?
097 History Which Chinese dynasty ruled between 1368 and 1644?
098 History What was the R101 and what happened to it?
099 History Who was 'Lord Haw Haw'?
100 History Which well-known priest was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church in 1521?
101 History What nationality was St Francis Xavier, one of the founders of
the Jesuit order and the founder of a Christian mission in Japan?
102 History In which year was the first Olympic games of the modern era
held in Athens?
103 History Who was king of England in the year 1400?
104 History Who was Lady Jane Grey?
105 History What did Britain buy 176,602 shares of on 25th October, 1875?
106 History Who was the last monarch of Russia?
107 History Who were the Plantaganets?
108 History Who was the Black Prince?
109 History pound 1 and 10 shilling notes were issued for the first time in Britain
in what year?
Information and Communications Technology ICT_Homework 50 sets of homework questions for ICT
HWT101_Computers Q HWT101_Computers S
HWT101_Computers_Test HWT101_Computers_Test S
HWT102_Computer_Software Q

HWT102_Computer_Software S

HWT102_Computer_Software Test HWT102_Computer_Software Test S
HWT103_Digital Media Q

HWT103_Digital Media S

HWT104_Networks_Internet Q HWT104_Networks_Internet S
HWT105_Computers_In_Education Q HWT105_Computers_In_Education S
HWT106_Comunication Q HWT106_Comunication S
HWT106_Comunication Test HWT106_Comunication Test S
HWT107_LAN_Networks Q HWT107_LAN_Networks S
HWT108_Internet Q HWT108_Internet S
HWT108_Internet Test HWT108_Internet Test S
HWT109_World_Wide_Web Q HWT109_World_Wide_Web S
HWT110_Searching_the_Web Q HWT110_Searching_the_Web S
HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web Q HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web S
HWT112_Netiquette Q HWT112_Netiquette S
Homework semester break  
HWT113 The Digital Home HWT113 The Digital Home S
HWT201_Applications Q HWT201_Applications S
HWT201_Applications Test HWT201_Applications Test S
HWT202_Software Q HWT202_Software S
HWT203_Using_Software Q HWT203_Using_Software S
HWT203_Using_Software Test HWT203_Using_Software Test S
HWT204_Word_&_Excel Q HWT204_Word_&_Excel S
HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test S
HWT205_Database_Software Q HWT205_Database_Software S
HWT205_Database_Software Test HWT205_Database_Software Test S
HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia Q HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia S
HWT207_Presentation_Graphics Q HWT207_Presentation_Graphics S
HWT208_Reference Software Q HWT208_Reference Software S
HWT209_Learning Aids Q HWT209_Learning Aids S
Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes Q HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes S
HWT302_CPU_and_Memory Q HWT302_CPU_and_Memory S
HWT303_Input_Keyboards Q HWT303_Input_Keyboards S
HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices Q HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices S
HWT305_Output_Devices Q HWT305_Output_Devices S
HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers Q HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers S
HWT307_Storage_and_Drives Q HWT307_Storage_and_Drives S
HWT308_Other Storage Media Q HWT308_Other Storage Media S
Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
HWT401_Digital_Media Q HWT401_Digital_Media S
HWT402_Electronic_Books Q HWT402_Electronic_Books S
HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW Q HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW S
HWT404_Web-Based_Training Q HWT404_Web-Based_Training S
HWT405_Computer_Viruses Q HWT405_Computer_Viruses S
HWT406_Viruses_Removal Q HWT406_Viruses_Removal S
HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Q HWT407_ Copyright_Laws S
HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test S
List of Acronyms for Information Technology IT acronym

Tests & Exams Mathematics

MATH111 Level 1 White Quiz Q MATH111 Level 1 White Quiz S
Level 2
Web page quiz 12 questions
MATH112 Level 2 Yellow Quiz Q MATH112 Level 2 Yellow Quiz S
Level 3
Web page quiz 12 questions
MATH113 Level 3 Red Quiz Q MATH113 Level 3 Red Quiz S
Level 4
Web page quiz 12 questions
MATH114 Level 4 Green Quiz Q MATH114 Level 4 Green Quiz S
Level 5
Web page quiz 12 questions
MATH115 Level 5 Gold Quiz Q MATH115 Level 5 Gold Quiz S
MATH116 Maths in Minutes a .pdf document explaining maths

Files Site Plans

A to D * E to H * I to L * M to Q * R to Z


Site Plan - Teaching Main Web Links
Main page
Main Pages (Index)
Student Compendium a list of useful information
List of the main pages see across for more details AIT Student Compendium Specific Subject Tutorial
Accreditation AITStage1 Abbreviations Access
Applied Information Technology AITStage2 Acronyms Adobe Pen
business AITStage3 Adjectives Audacity
Certificate II in Business   Animals Corel
Certificate II in Technology Units for the course Antonyms Digital _design
citizenship Cert II Business Big_Words Dreamweaver
Computing 01Work effectively in a business environment Characteristics Evaluation - Evaluation forms
Digital _design 02Organize and complete daily work activities Church Excel
Exams 03Communicate in the workplace Commonly_confused_words Filemaker
Geography 04Work effectively with others Communication Flash
HASS Humanities 05Use business technology Computer_terms Illustrator
History 06Participate in workplace safety computers_about computers In-design
ICT_Homework 07Produce simple word processed documents Countries Inspiration
Lessons 08Create and use simple spreadsheets Death Pages
Life skills (See full list below) 09Develop keyboard skills Diminutives Paintshop
Mathematics 10Operate a personal computer Educational Photoshop
Miscellaneous 11Integrate commercial computing Famous_People Powerpoint
Multimedia 12Design Organizational Documents using computer packages Figurative_Expressions Programming
Naplan - Tests & Exams Units for the course Gender Soundbooth
Quizzes - hundreds of in class quizzes Cert II Information Technology Geography Techprocess
Relief - Relief lessons 01Operate A Personal Computer Gods Word
Religion 02Follow workplace safety procedures Government see individual pages for various lessons
Resources A list of teacher resource sites 03 Design organisational documents using computing packages Grammar  
Scamper - A card game for all ages 04Operate computer hardware Human_Relationships  
Science 05Operate computing packages Inventions quizzes
Site plan - you are here 06Integrate Commercial computing packages Kings_Queens quizzes _cinema
Steamer - A student created reference book 07Use computer operating system Literary quizzes _entertainment
Student_ Companion 08Work effectively in an IT environment Marriage quizzes _famous_people
Student _Compendium - A list of useful information 09Communicate in the workplace Medical quizzes_ general_knowledge
Subjects (Links to main core subjects) 10Connect Hardware Peripherals Metaphors quizzes_ geography
Student Survival Kit - how to survive after school 11Maintenance of equipment and consumables Miscellaneous quizzes _history
Technology 12Access and use the internet Names quizzes_ literary
index _tutorials - link to tutorials 13Work individually or as a Team Member Nature quizzes _multi
Web quests - student work with the internet 14Capture a digital image Negatives quizzes_ music_tv
Worksheets student worksheets lots of topics   Nouns quizzes _quiz_night
Soccer Coaching Life Skills to help in a crisis Numbers quizzes _science_nature
A soccer coaching handbook cost $49.00 life skills Opposites quizzes _sport

250 soccer coaching grids with explanation for each grid, you can now download them individually or use the .zip folders,

The book covers:- attacking, defending, goal keeping, midfield play, shooting, passing, tackling and there are complete training sets for Junior, Youth and Girls, Men & Ladies teams and Semi-Professional teams with 20 weeks of training in each set.

life skills_away_from_home Other 01 Covid Quiz
life skills_core_life_skills Patron Saints  
life skills_living in a dorm Phobias Relief Lessons
life skills_drugs Places relief01 find a friend
life skills_first_aid Possessive_Case relief02 Chinese game
life skills_greeting Prefixes relief03 anagrams 1
life skills_nice_thoughts Professions relief04 anagrams2
Warm Up Grids life skills_phone tips Proverbs relief05 famous anagrams
Ball Skill Grids life skills_recipes Quotes relief06 personality quiz
Match Practice Grids life skills_how to write a resume Sayings relief07 riddles 1
Set Pieces life skills_stay safe Science_and_Arts relief08 worksheet quizzes
Coaching Tools life skills_travel Scientific_Terms relief09 riddles 2
Fun Grids life skills_life could be worse Seven_Wonders relief10 riddles3
Game Grids lifeskills_its all about you Similes relief11 provervial pedantry
    Synonyms relief12 trivia quiz
    Thesaurus relief13 Peters quiz
    UrbanMyths relief14 blind drawing
    War relief15 computer parts
    Weddings relief16 puzzle sheet
    Words_to_Verbs relief17 life saver
    Zodiac_signs relief18 old man story
      relief19 Famous faces
      relief20 Christmas
Email Soccer Coaching     Email Peter Faulks


This site is a FREE resource for teachers and students, it covers many years as a high school teacher and has substantial information to help all teachers.




Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer




Welcome you are visitor



AIT Stage 1   AIT Stage 2 AIT Stage 3        
Tasks Semester 1
Semester 1 Samples & Solutions
Tasks Semester 1
Semester 1 Samples & Solutions
Tasks Semester 1
Semester 1 Samples & Solutions
09 AIT1a Task 1 Travel Company   07 AIT2a Task 1 Group Past development in Technology 11 AIT3a TASK 1 Portable Device        
09 AIT1a Task 2 Design Online Presence   07 AIT2a Task 2 Plan a Web Page 11 AIT3a TASK 2 Portable Device Design        
09 AIT1a Task 3 Creating an online presence   07 AIT2a Task 3 Web Page 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Produce        
09 AIT1a Task 4 Database creation   07 AIT2a Task 4 Hardware Considerations 07 AIT2a Task 4 Hardware Considerations S 11 AIT3a TASK 3 Portable Device Review        
    07 AIT2a Task 5 Concepts Workbook          
In Class Tests
In Class Tests
In Class Tests
In Class Tests
In Class Tests
WKS108 Computer Input Devices WKS108 Computer Input Devices S 07 AIT2a Exam 3 Practical Menu Q          
WKS109 Computer Output Devices WKS109 Computer Output Devices S 07 AIT2b Exam 4 Practical Elephant Q          
End of Term Exam
End of Term Exam
End of Term Exam
End of Term Exam
End of Term Exam
    07 AIT 2a Exam Major Theory Q 07 AIT 2a Exam Major Theory S AIT 3A 2010 Exam Q AIT 3A 2010 Exam S      
Semester 2
Semester 2 Samples & Solutions
Semester 2
Semester 2 Samples & Solutions
Semester 2
Semester 2 Samples & Solutions
09 AIT1b Task 1 impact of the internet on society   07 AIT2b Task 1a Camera never lies 07 AIT2b Task 1c Camera never lies S 11 AIT2b TASK 1 Getting Mobile 11 AIT2b TASK 1b Getting Mobile sample      
09 AIT1b Task 2 what makes a good presentation   07 AIT2b Task 2 Plan A Safety Movie 11 AIT2b TASK 2 Mobile Design        
09 AIT1b Task 3 Create Your Presentation   07 AIT2b Task 3 30 second advertisement 11 AIT2b TASK 3 Web Mobile Produce        
09 AIT1b Task 4 Equipping an office   07 AIT2b Task 4 Replacing old equipment          
09 AIT1b Task 5 Report on ICT Future   07 AIT2b Task 5 Text Portfolio          
In Class Tests
In Class Tests Solutions
In Class Tests
In Class Tests Solutions
In Class Tests
In Class Tests Solutions
WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz S 07 AIT2b Theory Exam S1 RFID Q 07 AIT2b Theory Exam S1 RFID S          
WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point Q WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point S 08 AIT2a Test 1 Graphics Practical Q 08 AIT2a Test 1 Graphics Practical S          
    11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish S          
End of Year Exam
End of Year Exam Solutions
End of Year Exam
End of Year Exam Solutions
    AIT 2A 2007 Exam Q AIT 2A 2007 Exam S AIT 3A 2011 Exam Q AIT 3A 2011 Exam S      
    AIT 2A 2011 Exam Q AIT 2A 2011 Exam S          
10 AIT1a TASK 1 History Computers
10 AIT1a TASK 2 Computer Guide
10 AIT1a TASK 3 Join The Club
10 AIT1a TASK 4 Create Web Site
10 AIT1b TASK 1 Investigate ICT
10 AIT1b TASK 2 Computer Systems Knowledge
10 AIT1b Task 3 Holiday brochure


1   Cert II Business Cert II Information Technology Tutorials Year 8 Group
2 Miscellaneous 01effective 01_Operate Access Year 9 Group
3 Multimedia 02organise 02_follow Corel Year 10 Group
4 Naplan 03communicate 03_design Digital Design Year 11 Group
5   04effectively 04_hardware Dreamweaver Year 12 Group
6 Other Lessons 05business 05_packages Excel  
7 Peter Home 06safety 06_integrate Evaluations Other Subjects
8 Quizzes 07wordprocess 07_system Filemaker English
9 Resources 08spreadsheets 08_effective Fireworks History
10 Soccer Page 09keyboard 09_Communicate Flash Geography
11 Student Compendium 10Opcomputer 10_connect Illustrator Society & Environment
12 Teacher Page 11Integrate 11_maintain In Design Mathematics
13 Web Quests 12documents 12_internet Inspiration  
14 Worksheets   13_Work individually Pages  
15     14_capture_image Paint Shop Pro Exams
16       Photoshop  
17 Catholic Accreditation     PowerPoint  
18 Essay 1000 years of Church History     Technology Process  
19 Essay Australian Church History     Word
20 Essay Background to Beliefs        
  Essay conscience        
  Essay First 1000 Church History        
  Essay moral issues        
















Please advise any broken links

Email Peter Faulks




Page created 14th March 2018