



See Also Student Compendium
SC018_Inventions Great Inventions - Clock (pendulum) - Christian Huygens
SC036_Science_and_Arts An instrument for detecting earthquakes - seismograph
SC037_Scientific_Terms The science of land management - agronomics


The Rainbow

        An acronym to help you remember the sequence of colours





Order of colours in the rainbow, or visual spectrum:
(Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.

i.e. List Order Acronyms

This is certainly one of the most popular mnemonic techniques.

Order of taxonomy in biology:
(Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species)
Kids Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach.

Order of geological time periods:
(Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent)
Cows Often Sit Down Carefully. Perhaps Their Joints Creak?
Persistent Early Oiling Might Prevent Painful Rheumatism.

Order of Mohs hardness scale, from 1 to 10:
(Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Orthoclase feldspar, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond)
Toronto Girls Can Flirt, And Other Queer Things Can Do.

The order of sharps in music, called the "circle of fifths":
(F, C, G, D, A, E, B)
Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.
And in reverse for flat keys the mnemonic can be neatly reversed:
Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father.

The notes represented by the lines on the treble clef stave (bottom to top):
(E, G, B, D, F)
Every Good Boy Deserves Favour.
And the notes represented by the spaces between the lines:
(F, A, C, E)
Furry Animals Cook Excellently. Or just the word FACE

The notes represented by the lines on the bass clef stave (bottom to top):
(G, B, D, F, A)
Good Boys Do Fine, Always.
And the notes represented by the spaces between the lines:
(A, C, E, G)
All Cows Eat Grass.

The order of planets in average distance from the Sun:
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

My Very Easy Method: Just Set Up Nine Planets.



When I was a kid trying to get an "A" at school my dad bought us a set of Encyclopedia Britannica, which were a large set of books. With no Internet (1960's) I used to take a book to my room and read as much as I could and found the information fascinating, I also got a copy of Wilfred D Best Students'Companion which helped with my general knowledge when we went to quiz nights. After becoming a teacher I felt students should get as much general knowledge as possible so with the aid of dictionaries and reference books I started to build a collection of works as a 'student compendium'.


During my Digital Media, Multimedia and some VET courses I got my students to work on The STEAMER book of knowledge, especially advanced students that complete task ahead of time, this was my fall back lessons for those clever or advanced students, these were asked to pick one of the areas of study and create a cover page, find some interesting facts (usually via the Internet) and put their findings into a chapter of the book The book was 138 pages long at my retirement from teaching.

STEAMER Stands for

Science, Technology, English, Arts, Mathematics, Environment and Religion.

Eventually I gathered sufficient to create the Student Compendium and also a Steamer Book of Knowledge, so here they are compiled mainly by myself with student support so it might help some of you get that elusive "A"

Best of luck Peter J Faulks



STEAMER Stands for

Science, Technology, English, Arts, Mathematics, Environment and Religion

Environment covers Civics, History, Geography and Economics


Samples from the book



Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer

Suitable For Student Survival Kit
The Survival Kit Notebook Basic things you need to know about surviving college
Life Skills 101 All about dealing with everyday matters (Please email more for this topic)
Resume Basic

Resume template

Resume Executive A worksheet on how Analogue works compared to Digital

Shows various computing career paths on a colour chart

Commonly Confused Words Don't write the wrong word
DD114 Design Principles Shows students the components of design and explains their use in documents
WKS249 Grammar & Syntax Explains various meanings in grammar and syntax
Nouns_and_Adjectives An explanation of Nouns in the English Language
Digital images basics.doc Vector v's raster images and Student Exercises
Evaluation Individual.doc A self evaluation template for completion of a task
Glossary for Exams.xls A list of words commonly used in school exams
Glossary Technology Exams.xls A list of words commonly used Computing in school exams
Journals PJF Howto.doc How to create a student journal with samples
Lesson Plan Template.doc A Basic lesson plan template used in Applied Information Technology
State of a Village A World as a village
Storyboard Template.doc Graphics storyboard
Things to do chart.doc Simple template for planning tasks


This is a collection of files I gave to my Year 12 Leavers

It is called The Student Survival Kit

English Survival
For Exams
For Fun



Links to other survival kits

Birmingham University Kit

Sensible Viewer Survival Kit

The Student's Companion








Tutorials 1 Naplan 1 Training Courses 1 Resources 1 Quizzes



Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer



how to



Explanation for Student Compendium
File Includes
A shortened form of a word or phrase.
ANU - Australian National University
An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. Sometimes, the newly combined letters create a new word that becomes a part of everyday language. An example of this is the acronym radar. Also includes Mnemonics Educational Acronyms, Information Technolgy Acronyms,
a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words * Priest = Sacerdotal

Types of animals, Sounds the make, Where do they live, Collective names of animals

Apes - gibber, Camel live in Australia, Sahara & Arabia, names = Bull - is called a heifer

a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad - good ).

Opposites = Absent - present

Big_Words for small
Small word with big word alternative
Anger - Dudgeon * bold - Audacious
Business_Terms_Glossary Terms used in business

A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them

A partner in crime - accomplice

Words pertaining to the church

A passage between the pews in a church - Aisle

Similar sounding words with different meanings also Homonyms

Council, an administrative or advisory body, do not confuse with counsel, advice or guidance.

All about communication see also A History of Communication
All computer terms (ASCII, Binary, Unicode)

Names given to certain towns or countries includes facts about climate

Aberdeen - The Granite City The Torrid Zone has the hottest climate Zinc - Mexico, U.S.A., Spain

Words pertaining to death

Occurring after death - posthumous

A diminutive person is short and small. A diminutive wordis a "cute" version of a word or name: for example, "duckling" is a diminutive of "duck" and Billy is a diminutive form of the name William

Cask - casket   

Famous world discoveries of countries continents, includes Australian discoverers

Matthew Flinders -discovered Bass Strait. * Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts in 1908

Explanation of a word, words in literal expressions denote what they mean according to common or dictionary usage

Aloof -To keep to oneself and not mix with others.

Flags of the world Flags of countries in the world includes a countries quiz

Gender list of male female

Actor - Actress

Countries of the world and Geographical facts

The Circumference of the earth is approxinmately 24,800 miles.

List of gods and goddesses

War - Mars

Australian and UK government with words denoting government

Australian Government

Explains grammar syntax and verbs adjectives nouns etc.

Explains various uses of nouns verbs etc.

The art of living together includes senses, elements, cardinal numbers, cardinal virtues

THE ART OF LIVING - Consideration for the feelings of others

Alphabetical list of the most important inventions

Clock (pendulum) - Christian Huygens

List of kings and queens of Britain with facts and information

EGBERT 827 - 839

Practical list of  words explained in a sentence or phrase

A book in which the events of each day are recorded - Diary

Words pertaining to marriage included anniversary gifts

A hater of marriage - misogamist

Medical terms in use today

A disease confined to a particular district or place - endemic

Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated

Sounds that things make, description of various venues or habitats, special calendar dates, Aussie slang words, Mnemonics

All Fools' Day - 1st April - Aussie slang - sounds that things make etc.

Names of persons or things, occupations, and a description of word meanings i.e. Terrestrial = Earth

Various names explained Bird of night - Owl

Words connected to nature

A four-footed animal - quadruped

a word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal

That which cannot be pierced or penetrated - impenetrable

Explanation of nouns, COMMON Nouns, PROPER Nouns, COLLECTIVE  Nouns and ABSTRACT Nouns.

sit - seat (when to use Nouns)

Numbers of animals things i.e. A number of Cattle = herd

A number of fish taken in a net - catch, haul

a person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else.

Unable to read - il-literate

Special days, Aussies slang and any other items not covered in this list

Any other items that might be of interest

List of Patron Saints

St. George of England, St. Andrew of Scotland

Noctiphobia - Fear of the night

A list of places A place where bees are kept = apiary

A place where fishes are kept - aquarium

The case which is used to show possession is called the possessive case or genitive case. In case of nouns, an apostrophe is used to show it.

Is the case which denotes the owner or possessor

All Prefixes

List of various professions

The commander of a fleet - Admiral

Famous proverbs A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bad beginning makes a good ending.

Serious Quotes and some Witty funny one liners

Someone has glued my pack of cards together...I cannot deal with it!

Famous sayings

as a drowned rat. - as ancient as the sun—as the stars.

List of words used in Science or Art

An instrument for detecting earthquakes - seismograph

Explanation of scientific items like barometer

The science of land management - agronomics

The seven wonders of the ancient world with explanations

The Pyramids of Egypt

Words to use as a Simile which is a phrase that describes one thing in terms of another.  A simile usually begins with like or as.

Archates - a good friend * Belt = to hit below the belt

List of words or phrases that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another 

abandon....... desert, forsake, leave.

Understanding words, Incorrect Use of Words,

Thesaurus of Words
Thesaurus - abandon = abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons affluent =having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value,words explained and incorrect use of words

The floor was dirt.  Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor." 

Words used in war

Nations carrying on warfare - belligerents

Anniversary dates and wedding information

Words shown in noun or verb

strong - strengthen

Signs of the Zodiac



Art & Drama books Computing books English books Geography books HASS books History books ICT Homework books Mathematics



Email Peter Faulks

Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Similes

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer

Site Plan - Teaching Main Web Links
Student Compendium a list of useful information
List of the main pages see across for more details AIT Student Compendium Specific Subject Tutorial
Accreditation AITStage1 Abbreviations Access
Applied Information Technology AITStage2 Acronyms Adobe Pen
business AITStage3 Adjectives Audacity
Certificate II in Business   Animals Corel
Certificate II in Technology Units for the course Antonyms Digital _design
citizenship Cert II Business Big_Words Dreamweaver
Computing 01Work effectively in a business environment Characteristics Evaluation - Evaluation forms
Digital _design 02Organize and complete daily work activities Church Excel
Exams 03Communicate in the workplace Commonly_confused_words Filemaker
Geography 04Work effectively with others Communication Flash
HASS Humanities 05Use business technology Computer_terms Illustrator
History 06Participate in workplace safety computers_about computers In-design
ICT_Homework 07Produce simple word processed documents Countries Inspiration
Lessons 08Create and use simple spreadsheets Death Pages
Life skills (See full list below) 09Develop keyboard skills Diminutives Paintshop
Mathematics 10Operate a personal computer Educational Photoshop
Miscellaneous 11Integrate commercial computing Famous_People Powerpoint
Multimedia 12Design Organizational Documents using computer packages Figurative_Expressions Programming
Naplan - Tests & Exams Units for the course Gender Soundbooth
Quizzes - hundreds of in class quizzes Cert II Information Technology Geography Techprocess
Relief - Relief lessons 01Operate A Personal Computer Gods Word
Religion 02Follow workplace safety procedures Government see individual pages for various lessons
Resources A list of teacher resource sites 03 Design organisational documents using computing packages Grammar  
Scamper - A card game for all ages 04Operate computer hardware Human_Relationships  
Science 05Operate computing packages Inventions quizzes
Site plan - you are here 06Integrate Commercial computing packages Kings_Queens quizzes _cinema
Steamer - A student created reference book 07Use computer operating system Literary quizzes _entertainment
Student_ Companion 08Work effectively in an IT environment Marriage quizzes _famous_people
Student _Compendium - A list of useful information 09Communicate in the workplace Medical quizzes_ general_knowledge
Subjects (Links to main core subjects) 10Connect Hardware Peripherals Metaphors quizzes_ geography
Student Survival Kit - how to survive after school 11Maintenance of equipment and consumables Miscellaneous quizzes _history
Technology 12Access and use the internet Names quizzes_ literary
index _tutorials - link to tutorials 13Work individually or as a Team Member Nature quizzes _multi
Web quests - student work with the internet 14Capture a digital image Negatives quizzes_ music_tv
Worksheets student worksheets lots of topics   Nouns quizzes _quiz_night
Soccer Coaching Life Skills to help in a crisis Numbers quizzes _science_nature
A soccer coaching handbook cost $49.00 life skills Opposites quizzes _sport

250 soccer coaching grids with explanation for each grid, you can now download them individually or use the .zip folders,

The book covers:- attacking, defending, goal keeping, midfield play, shooting, passing, tackling and there are complete training sets for Junior, Youth and Girls, Men & Ladies teams and Semi-Professional teams with 20 weeks of training in each set.

life skills_away_from_home Other 01 Covid Quiz
life skills_core_life_skills Patron Saints  
life skills_living in a dorm Phobias Relief Lessons
life skills_drugs Places relief01 find a friend
life skills_first_aid Possessive_Case relief02 Chinese game
life skills_greeting Prefixes relief03 anagrams 1
life skills_nice_thoughts Professions relief04 anagrams2
Warm Up Grids life skills_phone tips Proverbs relief05 famous anagrams
Ball Skill Grids life skills_recipes Quotes relief06 personality quiz
Match Practice Grids life skills_how to write a resume Sayings relief07 riddles 1
Set Pieces life skills_stay safe Science_and_Arts relief08 worksheet quizzes
Coaching Tools life skills_travel Scientific_Terms relief09 riddles 2
Fun Grids life skills_life could be worse Seven_Wonders relief10 riddles3
Game Grids lifeskills_its all about you Similes relief11 provervial pedantry
    Synonyms relief12 trivia quiz
    Thesaurus relief13 Peters quiz
    UrbanMyths relief14 blind drawing
    War relief15 computer parts
    Weddings relief16 puzzle sheet
    Words_to_Verbs relief17 life saver
    Zodiac_signs relief18 old man story
      relief19 Famous faces
      relief20 Christmas
Email Soccer Coaching     Email Peter Faulks



Page last updated 23rd June 2018